diff --git a/AKModel/views/status.py b/AKModel/views/status.py
index 11173d972caf64c8b7a4e35c531dd9845f2eab3e..11b62083ab7683a5eead25f5ecba4117df5081b9 100644
--- a/AKModel/views/status.py
+++ b/AKModel/views/status.py
@@ -122,14 +122,15 @@ class EventAKsWidget(TemplateStatusWidget):
                     "text": _("AKs requiring special attention"),
                     "url": reverse_lazy("admin:special-attention", kwargs={"slug": context["event"].slug}),
-                {
+            ])
+            if context["event"].ak_set.count() > 0:
+                actions.append({
                     "text": _("Enter Interest"),
                     "url": reverse_lazy("admin:enter-interest",
                                         kwargs={"event_slug": context["event"].slug,
                                                 "pk": context["event"].ak_set.all().first().pk}
-                },
-            ])
+                })
                     "text": _("Edit Default Slots"),
diff --git a/AKPlan/templates/AKPlan/plan_wall.html b/AKPlan/templates/AKPlan/plan_wall.html
index 98af938a5b86d4b1dfd2bce35d34ac9c804642f4..ee52854875b26c7b8e6b912a868c7f75a1a02034 100644
--- a/AKPlan/templates/AKPlan/plan_wall.html
+++ b/AKPlan/templates/AKPlan/plan_wall.html
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@
                     start: '{{ start | timezone:event.timezone | date:"Y-m-d H:i:s" }}',
                     end: '{{ end | timezone:event.timezone  | date:"Y-m-d H:i:s"}}',
+                slotMinTime: '{{ earliest_start_hour }}:00:00',
+                slotMaxTime: '{{ latest_end_hour }}:00:00',
                 eventDidMount: function(info) {
                     $(info.el).tooltip({title: info.event.extendedProps.description});
diff --git a/AKPlan/views.py b/AKPlan/views.py
index 87c513a646dba58661a1a64c50d10121c148ba3b..fdd4e7e80a6bfcb3a1dd5b70e9968c329e574434 100644
--- a/AKPlan/views.py
+++ b/AKPlan/views.py
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+from datetime import timedelta
 from django.conf import settings
 from django.shortcuts import redirect
 from django.urls import reverse_lazy
@@ -81,11 +83,11 @@ class PlanScreenView(PlanIndexView):
             return redirect(reverse_lazy("plan:plan_overview", kwargs={"event_slug": self.event.slug}))
         return s
-    """
     def get_queryset(self):
-        # Determine interesting range (some hours ago until some hours in the future as specified in the settings)
         now = datetime.now().astimezone(self.event.timezone)
+        # Wall during event: Adjust, show only parts in the future
         if self.event.start < now < self.event.end:
+            # Determine interesting range (some hours ago until some hours in the future as specified in the settings)
             self.start = now - timedelta(hours=settings.PLAN_WALL_HOURS_RETROSPECT)
             self.start = self.event.start
@@ -93,13 +95,31 @@ class PlanScreenView(PlanIndexView):
         # Restrict AK slots to relevant ones
         # This will automatically filter all rooms not needed for the selected range in the orginal get_context method
-        return super().get_queryset().filter(start__gt=self.start)
-    """
+        akslots = super().get_queryset().filter(start__gt=self.start)
+        # Find the earliest hour AKs start and end (handle 00:00 as 24:00)
+        self.earliest_start_hour = 23
+        self.latest_end_hour = 1
+        for akslot in akslots.all():
+            start_hour = akslot.start.astimezone(self.event.timezone).hour
+            if start_hour < self.earliest_start_hour:
+                # Use hour - 1 to improve visibility of date change
+                self.earliest_start_hour = max(start_hour - 1, 0)
+            end_hour = akslot.end.astimezone(self.event.timezone).hour
+            # Special case: AK starts before but ends after midnight -- show until midnight
+            if end_hour < start_hour:
+                self.latest_end_hour = 24
+            elif end_hour > self.latest_end_hour:
+                # Always use hour + 1, since AK may end at :xy and not always at :00
+                self.latest_end_hour = min(end_hour + 1, 24)
+        return akslots
     def get_context_data(self, *, object_list=None, **kwargs):
         context = super().get_context_data(object_list=object_list, **kwargs)
-        context["start"] = self.event.start
+        context["start"] = self.start
         context["end"] = self.event.end
+        context["earliest_start_hour"] = self.earliest_start_hour
+        context["latest_end_hour"] = self.latest_end_hour
         return context