diff --git a/AKModel/admin.py b/AKModel/admin.py
index aed7621171fa90bc4cb55c50296d2c09cd3c7d13..ae8da12f3a60f47c64cb21b6611ead2b7b099059 100644
--- a/AKModel/admin.py
+++ b/AKModel/admin.py
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ class AKAdmin(SimpleHistoryAdmin):
     model = AK
     list_display = ['name', 'short_name', 'category', 'track', 'is_wish', 'interest', 'interest_counter', 'event']
     list_filter = ['event', WishFilter, ('category', EventRelatedFieldListFilter), ('requirements', EventRelatedFieldListFilter)]
-    list_editable = ['short_name', 'track', 'interest', 'interest_counter']
+    list_editable = ['short_name', 'track', 'interest_counter']
     ordering = ['pk']
     actions = ['wiki_export']
     form = AKAdminForm
diff --git a/AKScheduling/views.py b/AKScheduling/views.py
index 0e7c1ac7a4a771ad092be6a491d10d8a07d1b252..47781cf09759413509c7c517bc79ee0aaf00025f 100644
--- a/AKScheduling/views.py
+++ b/AKScheduling/views.py
@@ -120,9 +120,15 @@ class InterestEnteringAdminView(SuccessMessageMixin, AdminViewMixin, EventSlugMi
         context["next_ak"] = None
         last_ak = None
         next_is_next = False
-        for other_ak in context['ak'].category.ak_set.all():
-            if other_ak.wish:
-                continue
+        # Find other AK wishes (regardless of the category)...
+        if context['ak'].wish:
+            other_aks = [ak for ak in context['event'].ak_set.all() if ak.wish]
+        # or other AKs of this category
+        else:
+            other_aks = [ak for ak in context['ak'].category.ak_set.all() if not ak.wish]
+        for other_ak in other_aks:
             if next_is_next:
                 context['next_ak'] = other_ak
                 next_is_next = False
@@ -140,6 +146,7 @@ class InterestEnteringAdminView(SuccessMessageMixin, AdminViewMixin, EventSlugMi
             categories_with_aks.append((category, aks_for_category))
+        ak_wishes.sort(key=lambda x: x.pk)
                 (AKCategory(name=_("Wishes"), pk=0, description="-"), ak_wishes))