diff --git a/AKModel/admin.py b/AKModel/admin.py
index 39fc678db42611d3b2192a006179a46524805f6a..6bbbee0f960ba462eff2ff7d1ebeb943cf3fc790 100644
--- a/AKModel/admin.py
+++ b/AKModel/admin.py
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 from django import forms
 from django.apps import apps
 from django.contrib import admin, messages
-from django.contrib.admin import SimpleListFilter, RelatedFieldListFilter, action
+from django.contrib.admin import SimpleListFilter, RelatedFieldListFilter, action, display
 from django.db.models import Count, F
-from django.db.models.functions import Now
+from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
 from django.shortcuts import render, redirect
-from django.urls import reverse_lazy
+from django.urls import reverse_lazy, path
 from django.utils import timezone
 from django.utils.html import format_html
 from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ from AKModel.availability.models import Availability
 from AKModel.models import Event, AKOwner, AKCategory, AKTrack, AKTag, AKRequirement, AK, AKSlot, Room, AKOrgaMessage, \
 from AKModel.urls import get_admin_urls_event_wizard, get_admin_urls_event
+from AKModel.views import CVMarkResolvedView, CVSetLevelViolationView, CVSetLevelWarningView, AKResetInterestView, \
+    AKResetInterestCounterView, PlanPublishView, PlanUnpublishView
 class EventRelatedFieldListFilter(RelatedFieldListFilter):
@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ class EventAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
     list_filter = ['active']
     list_editable = ['active']
     ordering = ['-start']
-    readonly_fields = ['status_url', 'plan_hidden', 'plan_published_at']
+    readonly_fields = ['status_url', 'plan_hidden', 'plan_published_at', 'toggle_plan_visibility']
     actions = ['publish', 'unpublish']
     def add_view(self, request, form_url='', extra_context=None):
@@ -50,14 +52,27 @@ class EventAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
         if apps.is_installed("AKScheduling"):
             from AKScheduling.urls import get_admin_urls_scheduling
+        urls.extend([
+            path('plan/publish/', PlanPublishView.as_view(), name="plan-publish"),
+            path('plan/unpublish/', PlanUnpublishView.as_view(), name="plan-unpublish"),
+        ])
         return urls
+    @display(description=_("Status"))
     def status_url(self, obj):
         return format_html("<a href='{url}'>{text}</a>",
                            url=reverse_lazy('admin:event_status', kwargs={'slug': obj.slug}), text=_("Status"))
-    status_url.short_description = _("Status")
+    @display(description=_("Toggle plan visibility"))
+    def toggle_plan_visibility(self, obj):
+        if obj.plan_hidden:
+            url = f"{reverse_lazy('admin:plan-publish')}?pks={obj.pk}"
+            text = _('Publish plan')
+        else:
+            url = f"{reverse_lazy('admin:plan-unpublish')}?pks={obj.pk}"
+            text = _('Unpublish plan')
+        return format_html("<a href='{url}'>{text}</a>", url=url, text=text)
     def get_form(self, request, obj=None, change=False, **kwargs):
         # Use timezone of event
@@ -66,13 +81,13 @@ class EventAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
     @action(description=_('Publish plan'))
     def publish(self, request, queryset):
-        queryset.update(plan_published_at=Now(), plan_hidden=False)
-        self.message_user(request, _('Plan published'), messages.SUCCESS)
+        selected = queryset.values_list('pk', flat=True)
+        return HttpResponseRedirect(f"{reverse_lazy('admin:plan-publish')}?pks={','.join(str(pk) for pk in selected)}")
     @action(description=_('Unpublish plan'))
     def unpublish(self, request, queryset):
-        queryset.update(plan_published_at=None, plan_hidden=True)
-        self.message_user(request, _('Plan unpublished'), messages.SUCCESS)
+        selected = queryset.values_list('pk', flat=True)
+        return HttpResponseRedirect(f"{reverse_lazy('admin:plan-unpublish')}?pks={','.join(str(pk) for pk in selected)}")
@@ -185,24 +200,47 @@ class AKAdmin(SimpleHistoryAdmin):
     list_filter = ['event', WishFilter, ('category', EventRelatedFieldListFilter), ('requirements', EventRelatedFieldListFilter)]
     list_editable = ['short_name', 'track', 'interest_counter']
     ordering = ['pk']
-    actions = ['wiki_export']
+    actions = ['wiki_export', 'reset_interest', 'reset_interest_counter']
     form = AKAdminForm
+    @display(boolean=True)
     def is_wish(self, obj):
         return obj.wish
+    @action(description=_("Export to wiki syntax"))
     def wiki_export(self, request, queryset):
-        return render(request, 'admin/AKModel/wiki_export.html', context={"AKs": queryset})
-    wiki_export.short_description = _("Export to wiki syntax")
-    is_wish.boolean = True
+        # Only export when all AKs belong to the same event
+        if queryset.values("event").distinct().count() == 1:
+            event = queryset.first().event
+            pks = set(ak.pk for ak in queryset.all())
+            categories_with_aks = event.get_categories_with_aks(wishes_seperately=False, filter=lambda ak: ak.pk in pks,
+                                                                hide_empty_categories=True)
+            return render(request, 'admin/AKModel/wiki_export.html', context={"categories_with_aks": categories_with_aks})
+        self.message_user(request, _("Cannot export AKs from more than one event at the same time."), messages.ERROR)
     def formfield_for_foreignkey(self, db_field, request, **kwargs):
         if db_field.name == 'event':
             kwargs['initial'] = Event.get_next_active()
         return super(AKAdmin, self).formfield_for_foreignkey(db_field, request, **kwargs)
+    def get_urls(self):
+        urls = [
+            path('reset-interest/', AKResetInterestView.as_view(), name="ak-reset-interest"),
+            path('reset-interest-counter/', AKResetInterestCounterView.as_view(), name="ak-reset-interest-counter"),
+        ]
+        urls.extend(super().get_urls())
+        return urls
+    @action(description=_("Reset interest in AKs"))
+    def reset_interest(self, request, queryset):
+        selected = queryset.values_list('pk', flat=True)
+        return HttpResponseRedirect(f"{reverse_lazy('admin:ak-reset-interest')}?pks={','.join(str(pk) for pk in selected)}")
+    @action(description=_("Reset AKs' interest counters"))
+    def reset_interest_counter(self, request, queryset):
+        selected = queryset.values_list('pk', flat=True)
+        return HttpResponseRedirect(f"{reverse_lazy('admin:ak-reset-interest-counter')}?pks={','.join(str(pk) for pk in selected)}")
 class RoomForm(AvailabilitiesFormMixin, forms.ModelForm):
     class Meta:
@@ -282,14 +320,13 @@ class AKSlotAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
             kwargs['initial'] = Event.get_next_active()
         return super(AKSlotAdmin, self).formfield_for_foreignkey(db_field, request, **kwargs)
+    @display(description=_('AK Details'))
     def ak_details_link(self, akslot):
         if apps.is_installed("AKSubmission") and akslot.ak is not None:
             link = f"<a href={reverse('submit:ak_detail', args=[akslot.event.slug, akslot.ak.pk])}>{str(akslot.ak)}</a>"
             return mark_safe(link)
         return "-"
-    ak_details_link.short_description = _('AK Details')
 class AvailabilityAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
@@ -325,7 +362,32 @@ class ConstraintViolationAdminForm(forms.ModelForm):
 class ConstraintViolationAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
-    list_display = ['type', 'level', 'get_details']
+    list_display = ['type', 'level', 'get_details', 'manually_resolved']
     list_filter = ['event']
     readonly_fields = ['timestamp']
     form = ConstraintViolationAdminForm
+    actions = ['mark_resolved', 'set_violation', 'set_warning']
+    def get_urls(self):
+        urls = [
+            path('mark-resolved/', CVMarkResolvedView.as_view(), name="cv-mark-resolved"),
+            path('set-violation/', CVSetLevelViolationView.as_view(), name="cv-set-violation"),
+            path('set-warning/', CVSetLevelWarningView.as_view(), name="cv-set-warning"),
+        ]
+        urls.extend(super().get_urls())
+        return urls
+    @action(description=_("Mark Constraint Violations as manually resolved"))
+    def mark_resolved(self, request, queryset):
+        selected = queryset.values_list('pk', flat=True)
+        return HttpResponseRedirect(f"{reverse_lazy('admin:cv-mark-resolved')}?pks={','.join(str(pk) for pk in selected)}")
+    @action(description=_('Set Constraint Violations to level "violation"'))
+    def set_violation(self, request, queryset):
+        selected = queryset.values_list('pk', flat=True)
+        return HttpResponseRedirect(f"{reverse_lazy('admin:cv-set-violation')}?pks={','.join(str(pk) for pk in selected)}")
+    @action(description=_('Set Constraint Violations to level "warning"'))
+    def set_warning(self, request, queryset):
+        selected = queryset.values_list('pk', flat=True)
+        return HttpResponseRedirect(f"{reverse_lazy('admin:cv-set-warning')}?pks={','.join(str(pk) for pk in selected)}")
diff --git a/AKModel/forms.py b/AKModel/forms.py
index 43f712ed9614a6727abd8488620c7d1db953307d..3aa9486813bc9fb91ee21860fc8614bb0ff96cfa 100644
--- a/AKModel/forms.py
+++ b/AKModel/forms.py
@@ -73,3 +73,31 @@ class NewEventWizardActivateForm(forms.ModelForm):
 class AdminIntermediateForm(forms.Form):
+class AdminIntermediateActionForm(AdminIntermediateForm):
+    pks = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
+class SlideExportForm(AdminIntermediateForm):
+    num_next = forms.IntegerField(
+        min_value=0,
+        max_value=6,
+        initial=3,
+        label=_("# next AKs"),
+        help_text=_("How many next AKs should be shown on a slide?"))
+    presentation_mode = forms.TypedChoiceField(
+        initial=False,
+        label=_("Presentation only?"),
+        widget=forms.RadioSelect,
+        choices=((True, _('Yes')), (False, _('No'))),
+        coerce=lambda x: x == "True",
+        help_text=_("Restrict AKs to those that asked for chance to be presented?"))
+    wish_notes = forms.TypedChoiceField(
+        initial=False,
+        label=_("Space for notes in wishes?"),
+        widget=forms.RadioSelect,
+        choices=((True, _('Yes')), (False, _('No'))),
+        coerce=lambda x: x == "True",
+        help_text=_("Create symbols indicating space to note down owners and timeslots for wishes, e.g., to be filled "
+                    "out on a touch screen while presenting?"))
diff --git a/AKModel/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/AKModel/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
index fd79e07e6c2dd0a314188752a2e4a9bebba12300..0853138780d82c17b9c73d2f07a73870706d0e85 100644
--- a/AKModel/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
+++ b/AKModel/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-23 18:03+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-10-24 00:20+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: AKModel/admin.py:58 AKModel/admin.py:60
+#: AKModel/admin.py:62 AKModel/admin.py:65
 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/activate.html:32
 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/created_prepare_import.html:48
 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/finish.html:21
@@ -22,41 +22,61 @@ msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Status"
 #: AKModel/admin.py:67
+msgid "Toggle plan visibility"
+msgstr "Plansichtbarkeit ändern"
+#: AKModel/admin.py:71 AKModel/admin.py:82 AKModel/views.py:481
 msgid "Publish plan"
 msgstr "Plan veröffentlichen"
-#: AKModel/admin.py:70
-msgid "Plan published"
-msgstr "Plan veröffentlicht"
-#: AKModel/admin.py:72
+#: AKModel/admin.py:74 AKModel/admin.py:87 AKModel/views.py:491
 msgid "Unpublish plan"
 msgstr "Plan verbergen"
-#: AKModel/admin.py:75
-msgid "Plan unpublished"
-msgstr "Plan verborgen"
-#: AKModel/admin.py:144
+#: AKModel/admin.py:159
 msgid "Wish"
 msgstr "AK-Wunsch"
-#: AKModel/admin.py:150
+#: AKModel/admin.py:165
 msgid "Is wish"
 msgstr "Ist ein Wunsch"
-#: AKModel/admin.py:151
+#: AKModel/admin.py:166
 msgid "Is not a wish"
 msgstr "Ist kein Wunsch"
-#: AKModel/admin.py:197
+#: AKModel/admin.py:210
 msgid "Export to wiki syntax"
 msgstr "In Wiki-Syntax exportieren"
-#: AKModel/admin.py:291
+#: AKModel/admin.py:219
+msgid "Cannot export AKs from more than one event at the same time."
+msgstr "Kann nicht AKs von mehreren Events zur selben Zeit exportieren."
+#: AKModel/admin.py:234 AKModel/views.py:461
+msgid "Reset interest in AKs"
+msgstr "Interesse an AKs zurücksetzen"
+#: AKModel/admin.py:239 AKModel/views.py:471
+msgid "Reset AKs' interest counters"
+msgstr "Interessenszähler der AKs zurücksetzen"
+#: AKModel/admin.py:323
 msgid "AK Details"
 msgstr "AK-Details"
+#: AKModel/admin.py:380 AKModel/views.py:431
+msgid "Mark Constraint Violations as manually resolved"
+msgstr "Markiere Constraintverletzungen als manuell behoben"
+#: AKModel/admin.py:385 AKModel/views.py:441
+msgid "Set Constraint Violations to level \"violation\""
+msgstr "Constraintverletzungen auf Level \"Violation\" setzen"
+#: AKModel/admin.py:390 AKModel/views.py:451
+msgid "Set Constraint Violations to level \"warning\""
+msgstr "Constraintverletzungen auf Level \"Warning\" setzen"
 #: AKModel/availability/forms.py:21 AKModel/availability/models.py:248
 msgid "Availability"
 msgstr "Verfügbarkeit"
@@ -81,17 +101,17 @@ msgstr "Die eingegebene Verfügbarkeit enthält ein ungültiges Datum."
 msgid "Please fill in your availabilities!"
 msgstr "Bitte Verfügbarkeiten eintragen!"
-#: AKModel/availability/models.py:38 AKModel/models.py:56 AKModel/models.py:126
-#: AKModel/models.py:181 AKModel/models.py:200 AKModel/models.py:232
-#: AKModel/models.py:286 AKModel/models.py:352 AKModel/models.py:385
-#: AKModel/models.py:456 AKModel/models.py:497
+#: AKModel/availability/models.py:38 AKModel/models.py:56 AKModel/models.py:128
+#: AKModel/models.py:183 AKModel/models.py:202 AKModel/models.py:234
+#: AKModel/models.py:288 AKModel/models.py:354 AKModel/models.py:387
+#: AKModel/models.py:458 AKModel/models.py:499
 msgid "Event"
 msgstr "Event"
-#: AKModel/availability/models.py:39 AKModel/models.py:127
-#: AKModel/models.py:182 AKModel/models.py:201 AKModel/models.py:233
-#: AKModel/models.py:287 AKModel/models.py:353 AKModel/models.py:386
-#: AKModel/models.py:457 AKModel/models.py:498
+#: AKModel/availability/models.py:39 AKModel/models.py:129
+#: AKModel/models.py:184 AKModel/models.py:203 AKModel/models.py:235
+#: AKModel/models.py:289 AKModel/models.py:355 AKModel/models.py:388
+#: AKModel/models.py:459 AKModel/models.py:500
 msgid "Associated event"
 msgstr "Zugehöriges Event"
@@ -103,8 +123,8 @@ msgstr "Person"
 msgid "Person whose availability this is"
 msgstr "Person deren Verfügbarkeit hier abgebildet wird"
-#: AKModel/availability/models.py:56 AKModel/models.py:356
-#: AKModel/models.py:375 AKModel/models.py:506
+#: AKModel/availability/models.py:56 AKModel/models.py:358
+#: AKModel/models.py:377 AKModel/models.py:508
 msgid "Room"
 msgstr "Raum"
@@ -112,8 +132,8 @@ msgstr "Raum"
 msgid "Room whose availability this is"
 msgstr "Raum dessen Verfügbarkeit hier abgebildet wird"
-#: AKModel/availability/models.py:65 AKModel/models.py:292
-#: AKModel/models.py:374 AKModel/models.py:451
+#: AKModel/availability/models.py:65 AKModel/models.py:294
+#: AKModel/models.py:376 AKModel/models.py:453
 msgid "AK"
 msgstr "AK"
@@ -121,8 +141,8 @@ msgstr "AK"
 msgid "AK whose availability this is"
 msgstr "Verfügbarkeiten"
-#: AKModel/availability/models.py:74 AKModel/models.py:185
-#: AKModel/models.py:512
+#: AKModel/availability/models.py:74 AKModel/models.py:187
+#: AKModel/models.py:514
 msgid "AK Category"
 msgstr "AK-Kategorie"
@@ -151,9 +171,46 @@ msgstr "AK-Kategorien kopieren"
 msgid "Copy ak requirements"
 msgstr "AK-Anforderungen kopieren"
-#: AKModel/models.py:18 AKModel/models.py:173 AKModel/models.py:197
-#: AKModel/models.py:216 AKModel/models.py:230 AKModel/models.py:248
-#: AKModel/models.py:344
+#: AKModel/forms.py:87
+msgid "# next AKs"
+msgstr "# nächste AKs"
+#: AKModel/forms.py:88
+msgid "How many next AKs should be shown on a slide?"
+msgstr "Wie viele nächste AKs sollen auf einer Folie angezeigt werden?"
+#: AKModel/forms.py:91
+msgid "Presentation only?"
+msgstr "Nur Vorstellung?"
+#: AKModel/forms.py:93 AKModel/forms.py:100
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Ja"
+#: AKModel/forms.py:93 AKModel/forms.py:100
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Nein"
+#: AKModel/forms.py:95
+msgid "Restrict AKs to those that asked for chance to be presented?"
+msgstr "AKs auf solche, die um eine Vorstellung gebeten haben, einschränken?"
+#: AKModel/forms.py:98
+msgid "Space for notes in wishes?"
+msgstr "Platz für Notizen bei den Wünschen?"
+#: AKModel/forms.py:102
+msgid ""
+"Create symbols indicating space to note down owners and timeslots for "
+"wishes, e.g., to be filled out on a touch screen while presenting?"
+msgstr ""
+"Symbole anlegen, die Raum zum Notieren von Leitungen und Zeitslots "
+"fürWünsche markieren, z.B. um während der Präsentation auf einem Touchscreen "
+"ausgefüllt zu werden?"
+#: AKModel/models.py:18 AKModel/models.py:175 AKModel/models.py:199
+#: AKModel/models.py:218 AKModel/models.py:232 AKModel/models.py:250
+#: AKModel/models.py:346
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Name"
@@ -295,71 +352,71 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Events"
 msgstr "Events"
-#: AKModel/models.py:121
+#: AKModel/models.py:123
 msgid "Nickname"
 msgstr "Spitzname"
-#: AKModel/models.py:121
+#: AKModel/models.py:123
 msgid "Name to identify an AK owner by"
 msgstr "Name, durch den eine AK-Leitung identifiziert wird"
-#: AKModel/models.py:122
+#: AKModel/models.py:124
 msgid "Slug"
 msgstr "Slug"
-#: AKModel/models.py:122
+#: AKModel/models.py:124
 msgid "Slug for URL generation"
 msgstr "Slug für URL-Generierung"
-#: AKModel/models.py:123
+#: AKModel/models.py:125
 msgid "Institution"
 msgstr "Instutution"
-#: AKModel/models.py:123
+#: AKModel/models.py:125
 msgid "Uni etc."
 msgstr "Universität o.ä."
-#: AKModel/models.py:124 AKModel/models.py:257
+#: AKModel/models.py:126 AKModel/models.py:259
 msgid "Web Link"
 msgstr "Internet Link"
-#: AKModel/models.py:124
+#: AKModel/models.py:126
 msgid "Link to Homepage"
 msgstr "Link zu Homepage oder Webseite"
-#: AKModel/models.py:130 AKModel/models.py:505
+#: AKModel/models.py:132 AKModel/models.py:507
 msgid "AK Owner"
 msgstr "AK-Leitung"
-#: AKModel/models.py:131
+#: AKModel/models.py:133
 msgid "AK Owners"
 msgstr "AK-Leitungen"
-#: AKModel/models.py:173
+#: AKModel/models.py:175
 msgid "Name of the AK Category"
 msgstr "Name der AK-Kategorie"
-#: AKModel/models.py:174 AKModel/models.py:198
+#: AKModel/models.py:176 AKModel/models.py:200
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "Farbe"
-#: AKModel/models.py:174 AKModel/models.py:198
+#: AKModel/models.py:176 AKModel/models.py:200
 msgid "Color for displaying"
 msgstr "Farbe für die Anzeige"
-#: AKModel/models.py:175 AKModel/models.py:251
+#: AKModel/models.py:177 AKModel/models.py:253
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr "Beschreibung"
-#: AKModel/models.py:176
+#: AKModel/models.py:178
 msgid "Short description of this AK Category"
 msgstr "Beschreibung der AK-Kategorie"
-#: AKModel/models.py:177
+#: AKModel/models.py:179
 msgid "Present by default"
 msgstr "Defaultmäßig präsentieren"
-#: AKModel/models.py:179
+#: AKModel/models.py:181
 msgid ""
 "Present AKs of this category by default if AK owner did not specify whether "
 "this AK should be presented?"
@@ -367,156 +424,152 @@ msgstr ""
 "AKs dieser Kategorie standardmäßig vorstellen, wenn die Leitungen das für "
 "ihren AK nicht explizit spezifiziert haben?"
-#: AKModel/models.py:186
+#: AKModel/models.py:188
 msgid "AK Categories"
 msgstr "AK-Kategorien"
-#: AKModel/models.py:197
+#: AKModel/models.py:199
 msgid "Name of the AK Track"
 msgstr "Name des AK-Tracks"
-#: AKModel/models.py:204
+#: AKModel/models.py:206
 msgid "AK Track"
 msgstr "AK-Track"
-#: AKModel/models.py:205
+#: AKModel/models.py:207
 msgid "AK Tracks"
 msgstr "AK-Tracks"
-#: AKModel/models.py:216
+#: AKModel/models.py:218
 msgid "Name of the AK Tag"
 msgstr "Name das AK-Tags"
-#: AKModel/models.py:219
+#: AKModel/models.py:221
 msgid "AK Tag"
 msgstr "AK-Tag"
-#: AKModel/models.py:220
+#: AKModel/models.py:222
 msgid "AK Tags"
 msgstr "AK-Tags"
-#: AKModel/models.py:230
+#: AKModel/models.py:232
 msgid "Name of the Requirement"
 msgstr "Name der Anforderung"
-#: AKModel/models.py:236 AKModel/models.py:509
+#: AKModel/models.py:238 AKModel/models.py:511
 msgid "AK Requirement"
 msgstr "AK-Anforderung"
-#: AKModel/models.py:237
+#: AKModel/models.py:239
 msgid "AK Requirements"
 msgstr "AK-Anforderungen"
-#: AKModel/models.py:248
+#: AKModel/models.py:250
 msgid "Name of the AK"
 msgstr "Name des AKs"
-#: AKModel/models.py:249
+#: AKModel/models.py:251
 msgid "Short Name"
 msgstr "Kurzer Name"
-#: AKModel/models.py:250
+#: AKModel/models.py:252
 msgid "Name displayed in the schedule"
 msgstr "Name zur Anzeige im AK-Plan"
-#: AKModel/models.py:251
+#: AKModel/models.py:253
 msgid "Description of the AK"
 msgstr "Beschreibung des AKs"
-#: AKModel/models.py:253
+#: AKModel/models.py:255
 msgid "Owners"
 msgstr "Leitungen"
-#: AKModel/models.py:254
+#: AKModel/models.py:256
 msgid "Those organizing the AK"
 msgstr "Menschen, die den AK organisieren und halten"
-#: AKModel/models.py:257
+#: AKModel/models.py:259
 msgid "Link to wiki page"
 msgstr "Link zur Wiki Seite"
-#: AKModel/models.py:258
+#: AKModel/models.py:260
 msgid "Protocol Link"
 msgstr "Protokolllink"
-#: AKModel/models.py:258
+#: AKModel/models.py:260
 msgid "Link to protocol"
 msgstr "Link zum Protokoll"
-#: AKModel/models.py:260
+#: AKModel/models.py:262
 msgid "Category"
 msgstr "Kategorie"
-#: AKModel/models.py:261
+#: AKModel/models.py:263
 msgid "Category of the AK"
 msgstr "Kategorie des AKs"
-#: AKModel/models.py:262
+#: AKModel/models.py:264
 msgid "Tags"
 msgstr "Tags"
-#: AKModel/models.py:262
+#: AKModel/models.py:264
 msgid "Tags provided by owners"
 msgstr "Tags, die durch die AK-Leitung vergeben wurden"
-#: AKModel/models.py:263
+#: AKModel/models.py:265
 msgid "Track"
 msgstr "Track"
-#: AKModel/models.py:264
+#: AKModel/models.py:266
 msgid "Track the AK belongs to"
 msgstr "Track zu dem der AK gehört"
-#: AKModel/models.py:266
+#: AKModel/models.py:268
 msgid "Resolution Intention"
 msgstr "Resolutionsabsicht"
-#: AKModel/models.py:267
+#: AKModel/models.py:269
 msgid "Intends to submit a resolution"
 msgstr "Beabsichtigt eine Resolution einzureichen"
-#: AKModel/models.py:268
+#: AKModel/models.py:270
 msgid "Present this AK"
 msgstr "AK präsentieren"
-#: AKModel/models.py:269
+#: AKModel/models.py:271
 msgid "Present results of this AK"
 msgstr "Die Ergebnisse dieses AKs vorstellen"
-#: AKModel/models.py:271 AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:97
+#: AKModel/models.py:273 AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:102
 msgid "Requirements"
 msgstr "Anforderungen"
-#: AKModel/models.py:272
+#: AKModel/models.py:274
 msgid "AK's Requirements"
 msgstr "Anforderungen des AKs"
-#: AKModel/models.py:274
+#: AKModel/models.py:276
 msgid "Conflicting AKs"
 msgstr "AK-Konflikte"
-#: AKModel/models.py:275
+#: AKModel/models.py:277
 msgid "AKs that conflict and thus must not take place at the same time"
 msgstr ""
 "AKs, die Konflikte haben und deshalb nicht gleichzeitig stattfinden dürfen"
-#: AKModel/models.py:276
+#: AKModel/models.py:278
 msgid "Prerequisite AKs"
 msgstr "Vorausgesetzte AKs"
-#: AKModel/models.py:277
+#: AKModel/models.py:279
 msgid "AKs that should precede this AK in the schedule"
 msgstr "AKs die im AK-Plan vor diesem AK stattfinden müssen"
-#: AKModel/models.py:279
+#: AKModel/models.py:281
 msgid "Organizational Notes"
 msgstr "Notizen zur Organisation"
-#: AKModel/models.py:280
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Notes to organizers. These are public. For private notes, please send an "
-#| "e-mail."
+#: AKModel/models.py:282
 msgid ""
 "Notes to organizers. These are public. For private notes, please use the "
 "button for private messages on the detail page of this AK (after creation/"
@@ -526,258 +579,258 @@ msgstr ""
 "Anmerkungen bitte den Button für Direktnachrichten verwenden (nach dem "
-#: AKModel/models.py:282
+#: AKModel/models.py:284
 msgid "Interest"
 msgstr "Interesse"
-#: AKModel/models.py:282
+#: AKModel/models.py:284
 msgid "Expected number of people"
 msgstr "Erwartete Personenzahl"
-#: AKModel/models.py:283
+#: AKModel/models.py:285
 msgid "Interest Counter"
 msgstr "Interessenszähler"
-#: AKModel/models.py:284
+#: AKModel/models.py:286
 msgid "People who have indicated interest online"
 msgstr "Anzahl Personen, die online Interesse bekundet haben"
-#: AKModel/models.py:293 AKModel/models.py:500
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:49
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:56 AKModel/views.py:359
+#: AKModel/models.py:295 AKModel/models.py:502
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:56
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:63 AKModel/views.py:360
 msgid "AKs"
 msgstr "AKs"
-#: AKModel/models.py:344
+#: AKModel/models.py:346
 msgid "Name or number of the room"
 msgstr "Name oder Nummer des Raums"
-#: AKModel/models.py:345
+#: AKModel/models.py:347
 msgid "Location"
 msgstr "Ort"
-#: AKModel/models.py:346
+#: AKModel/models.py:348
 msgid "Name or number of the location"
 msgstr "Name oder Nummer des Ortes"
-#: AKModel/models.py:347
+#: AKModel/models.py:349
 msgid "Capacity"
 msgstr "Kapazität"
-#: AKModel/models.py:348
+#: AKModel/models.py:350
 msgid "Maximum number of people (-1 for unlimited)."
 msgstr "Maximale Personenzahl (-1 wenn unbeschränkt)."
-#: AKModel/models.py:349
+#: AKModel/models.py:351
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Eigenschaften"
-#: AKModel/models.py:350
+#: AKModel/models.py:352
 msgid "AK requirements fulfilled by the room"
 msgstr "AK-Anforderungen, die dieser Raum erfüllt"
-#: AKModel/models.py:357 AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:33
+#: AKModel/models.py:359 AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:40
 msgid "Rooms"
 msgstr "Räume"
-#: AKModel/models.py:374
+#: AKModel/models.py:376
 msgid "AK being mapped"
 msgstr "AK, der zugeordnet wird"
-#: AKModel/models.py:376
+#: AKModel/models.py:378
 msgid "Room the AK will take place in"
 msgstr "Raum in dem der AK stattfindet"
-#: AKModel/models.py:377
+#: AKModel/models.py:379
 msgid "Slot Begin"
 msgstr "Beginn des Slots"
-#: AKModel/models.py:377
+#: AKModel/models.py:379
 msgid "Time and date the slot begins"
 msgstr "Zeit und Datum zu der der AK beginnt"
-#: AKModel/models.py:379
+#: AKModel/models.py:381
 msgid "Duration"
 msgstr "Dauer"
-#: AKModel/models.py:380
+#: AKModel/models.py:382
 msgid "Length in hours"
 msgstr "Länge in Stunden"
-#: AKModel/models.py:382
+#: AKModel/models.py:384
 msgid "Scheduling fixed"
 msgstr "Planung fix"
-#: AKModel/models.py:383
+#: AKModel/models.py:385
 msgid "Length and time of this AK should not be changed"
 msgstr "Dauer und Zeit dieses AKs sollten nicht verändert werden"
-#: AKModel/models.py:388
+#: AKModel/models.py:390
 msgid "Last update"
 msgstr "Letzte Aktualisierung"
-#: AKModel/models.py:391
+#: AKModel/models.py:393
 msgid "AK Slot"
 msgstr "AK-Slot"
-#: AKModel/models.py:392 AKModel/models.py:502
+#: AKModel/models.py:394 AKModel/models.py:504
 msgid "AK Slots"
 msgstr "AK-Slot"
-#: AKModel/models.py:414 AKModel/models.py:423
+#: AKModel/models.py:416 AKModel/models.py:425
 msgid "Not scheduled yet"
 msgstr "Noch nicht geplant"
-#: AKModel/models.py:452
+#: AKModel/models.py:454
 msgid "AK this message belongs to"
 msgstr "AK zu dem die Nachricht gehört"
-#: AKModel/models.py:453
+#: AKModel/models.py:455
 msgid "Message text"
 msgstr "Nachrichtentext"
-#: AKModel/models.py:454
+#: AKModel/models.py:456
 msgid "Message to the organizers. This is not publicly visible."
 msgstr ""
 "Nachricht an die Organisator*innen. Diese ist nicht öffentlich sichtbar."
-#: AKModel/models.py:460
+#: AKModel/models.py:462
 msgid "AK Orga Message"
 msgstr "AK-Organachricht"
-#: AKModel/models.py:461
+#: AKModel/models.py:463
 msgid "AK Orga Messages"
 msgstr "AK-Organachrichten"
-#: AKModel/models.py:470
+#: AKModel/models.py:472
 msgid "Constraint Violation"
 msgstr "Constraintverletzung"
-#: AKModel/models.py:471 AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:79
+#: AKModel/models.py:473 AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:86
 msgid "Constraint Violations"
 msgstr "Constraintverletzungen"
-#: AKModel/models.py:475
+#: AKModel/models.py:477
 msgid "Owner has two parallel slots"
 msgstr "Leitung hat zwei Slots parallel"
-#: AKModel/models.py:476
+#: AKModel/models.py:478
 msgid "AK Slot was scheduled outside the AK's availabilities"
 msgstr "AK Slot wurde außerhalb der Verfügbarkeit des AKs platziert"
-#: AKModel/models.py:477
+#: AKModel/models.py:479
 msgid "Room has two AK slots scheduled at the same time"
 msgstr "Raum hat zwei AK Slots gleichzeitig"
-#: AKModel/models.py:478
+#: AKModel/models.py:480
 msgid "Room does not satisfy the requirement of the scheduled AK"
 msgstr "Room erfüllt die Anforderungen des platzierten AKs nicht"
-#: AKModel/models.py:479
+#: AKModel/models.py:481
 msgid "AK Slot is scheduled at the same time as an AK listed as a conflict"
 msgstr ""
 "AK Slot wurde wurde zur gleichen Zeit wie ein Konflikt des AKs platziert"
-#: AKModel/models.py:480
+#: AKModel/models.py:482
 msgid "AK Slot is scheduled before an AK listed as a prerequisite"
 msgstr "AK Slot wurde vor einem als Voraussetzung gelisteten AK platziert"
-#: AKModel/models.py:482
+#: AKModel/models.py:484
 msgid ""
 "AK Slot for AK with intention to submit a resolution is scheduled after "
 "resolution deadline"
 msgstr ""
 "AK Slot eines AKs mit Resoabsicht wurde nach der Resodeadline platziert"
-#: AKModel/models.py:483
+#: AKModel/models.py:485
 msgid "AK Slot in a category is outside that categories availabilities"
 msgstr "AK Slot wurde außerhalb der Verfügbarkeiten seiner Kategorie"
-#: AKModel/models.py:484
+#: AKModel/models.py:486
 msgid "Two AK Slots for the same AK scheduled at the same time"
 msgstr "Zwei AK Slots eines AKs wurden zur selben Zeit platziert"
-#: AKModel/models.py:485
+#: AKModel/models.py:487
 msgid "Room does not have enough space for interest in scheduled AK Slot"
 msgstr "Room hat nicht genug Platz für das Interesse am geplanten AK-Slot"
-#: AKModel/models.py:486
+#: AKModel/models.py:488
 msgid "AK Slot is scheduled outside the event's availabilities"
 msgstr "AK Slot wurde außerhalb der Verfügbarkeit des Events platziert"
-#: AKModel/models.py:489
+#: AKModel/models.py:491
 msgid "Warning"
 msgstr "Warnung"
-#: AKModel/models.py:490
+#: AKModel/models.py:492
 msgid "Violation"
 msgstr "Verletzung"
-#: AKModel/models.py:492
+#: AKModel/models.py:494
 msgid "Type"
 msgstr "Art"
-#: AKModel/models.py:493
+#: AKModel/models.py:495
 msgid "Type of violation, i.e. what kind of constraint was violated"
 msgstr "Art der Verletzung, gibt an welche Art Constraint verletzt wurde"
-#: AKModel/models.py:494
+#: AKModel/models.py:496
 msgid "Level"
 msgstr "Level"
-#: AKModel/models.py:495
+#: AKModel/models.py:497
 msgid "Severity level of the violation"
 msgstr "Schweregrad der Verletzung"
-#: AKModel/models.py:501
+#: AKModel/models.py:503
 msgid "AK(s) belonging to this constraint"
 msgstr "AK(s), die zu diesem Constraint gehören"
-#: AKModel/models.py:503
+#: AKModel/models.py:505
 msgid "AK Slot(s) belonging to this constraint"
 msgstr "AK Slot(s), die zu diesem Constraint gehören"
-#: AKModel/models.py:505
+#: AKModel/models.py:507
 msgid "AK Owner belonging to this constraint"
 msgstr "AK Leitung(en), die zu diesem Constraint gehören"
-#: AKModel/models.py:507
+#: AKModel/models.py:509
 msgid "Room belonging to this constraint"
 msgstr "Raum, der zu diesem Constraint gehört"
-#: AKModel/models.py:510
+#: AKModel/models.py:512
 msgid "AK Requirement belonging to this constraint"
 msgstr "AK Anforderung, die zu diesem Constraint gehört"
-#: AKModel/models.py:512
+#: AKModel/models.py:514
 msgid "AK Category belonging to this constraint"
 msgstr "AK Kategorie, di zu diesem Constraint gehört"
-#: AKModel/models.py:514
+#: AKModel/models.py:516
 msgid "Comment"
 msgstr "Kommentar"
-#: AKModel/models.py:514
+#: AKModel/models.py:516
 msgid "Comment or further details for this violation"
 msgstr "Kommentar oder weitere Details zu dieser Vereletzung"
-#: AKModel/models.py:517
+#: AKModel/models.py:519
 msgid "Timestamp"
 msgstr "Timestamp"
-#: AKModel/models.py:517
+#: AKModel/models.py:519
 msgid "Time of creation"
 msgstr "Zeitpunkt der ERstellung"
-#: AKModel/models.py:518
+#: AKModel/models.py:520
 msgid "Manually Resolved"
 msgstr "Manuell behoben"
-#: AKModel/models.py:519
+#: AKModel/models.py:521
 msgid "Mark this violation manually as resolved"
 msgstr "Markiere diese Verletzung manuell als behoben"
-#: AKModel/models.py:546
+#: AKModel/models.py:548
 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/requirements_overview.html:27
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "Details"
@@ -894,88 +947,88 @@ msgid "No AKs with this requirement"
 msgstr "Kein AK mit dieser Anforderung"
 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/requirements_overview.html:45
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:113
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:118
 msgid "Add Requirement"
 msgstr "Anforderung hinzufügen"
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:16
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:18
+msgid "Plan published?"
+msgstr "Plan veröffentlicht?"
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:23
 msgid "Categories"
 msgstr "Kategorien"
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:18
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:25
 msgid "No categories yet"
 msgstr "Bisher keine Kategorien"
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:31
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:38
 msgid "Add category"
 msgstr "Kategorie hinzufügen"
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:35
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:42
 msgid "No rooms yet"
 msgstr "Bisher keine Räume"
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:47
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:54
 msgid "Add Room"
 msgstr "Raum hinzufügen"
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:51
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:58
 msgid "No AKs yet"
 msgstr "Bisher keine AKs"
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:59
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:66
 msgid "Slots"
 msgstr "Slots"
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:62
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:69
 msgid "Unscheduled Slots"
 msgstr "Ungeplante Slots"
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:76
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:83
 #: AKModel/templates/admin/ak_index.html:16
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Scheduling"
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:81
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:88
 msgid "AKs requiring special attention"
 msgstr "AKs, die besondere Aufmerksamkeit benötigen"
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:83
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:90
 msgid "Enter Interest"
 msgstr "Interesse erfassen"
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:86
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:93
 msgid "Manage ak tracks"
 msgstr "AK-Tracks verwalten"
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:88
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:95
 msgid "Export AKs as CSV"
 msgstr "AKs als CSV exportieren"
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:90
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:97
 msgid "Export AKs for Wiki"
 msgstr "AKs im Wiki-Format exportieren"
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:92
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:99 AKModel/views.py:330
 msgid "Export AK Slides"
 msgstr "AK-Folien exportieren"
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:94
-msgid "Export AK Slides (Presentation AKs only)"
-msgstr "AK-Folien exportieren (Nur zu präsentierende AKs)"
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:99
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:104
 msgid "No requirements yet"
 msgstr "Bisher keine Anforderungen"
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:112
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:117
 msgid "Show AKs for requirements"
 msgstr "Zu Anforderungen gehörige AKs anzeigen"
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:116
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:121
 msgid "Messages"
 msgstr "Nachrichten"
-#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:118
+#: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html:123
 msgid "Delete all messages"
 msgstr "Alle Nachrichten löschen"
@@ -1012,27 +1065,27 @@ msgstr "Login"
 msgid "Register"
 msgstr "Registrieren"
-#: AKModel/views.py:144
+#: AKModel/views.py:148
 msgid "Event Status"
 msgstr "Eventstatus"
-#: AKModel/views.py:157
+#: AKModel/views.py:161
 msgid "Requirements for Event"
 msgstr "Anforderungen für das Event"
-#: AKModel/views.py:171
+#: AKModel/views.py:175
 msgid "AK CSV Export"
 msgstr "AK-CSV-Export"
-#: AKModel/views.py:185
+#: AKModel/views.py:189
 msgid "AK Wiki Export"
 msgstr "AK-Wiki-Export"
-#: AKModel/views.py:193 AKModel/views.py:345
+#: AKModel/views.py:197 AKModel/views.py:346
 msgid "Wishes"
 msgstr "Wünsche"
-#: AKModel/views.py:215
+#: AKModel/views.py:218
 msgid "Delete AK Orga Messages"
 msgstr "AK-Organachrichten löschen"
@@ -1053,8 +1106,6 @@ msgid "Import categories & requirements"
 msgstr "Kategorien & Anforderungen kopieren"
 #: AKModel/views.py:246
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Active State"
 msgid "Activate?"
 msgstr "Aktivieren?"
@@ -1068,22 +1119,82 @@ msgstr "'%(obj)s' kopiert"
 msgid "Could not copy '%(obj)s' (%(error)s)"
 msgstr "'%(obj)s' konnte nicht kopiert werden (%(error)s)"
-#: AKModel/views.py:340
+#: AKModel/views.py:341
 msgid "Symbols"
 msgstr "Symbole"
-#: AKModel/views.py:341
+#: AKModel/views.py:342
 msgid "Who?"
 msgstr "Wer?"
-#: AKModel/views.py:342
+#: AKModel/views.py:343
 msgid "Duration(s)"
 msgstr "Dauer(n)"
-#: AKModel/views.py:343
+#: AKModel/views.py:344
 msgid "Reso intention?"
 msgstr "Resolutionsabsicht?"
-#: AKModel/views.py:344
+#: AKModel/views.py:345
 msgid "Category (for Wishes)"
 msgstr "Kategorie (für Wünsche)"
+#: AKModel/views.py:433
+msgid "The following Constraint Violations will be marked as manually resolved"
+msgstr ""
+"Die folgenden Constraintverletzungen werden als manuell behoben markiert."
+#: AKModel/views.py:434
+msgid "Constraint Violations marked as resolved"
+msgstr "Constraintverletzungen als manuell behoben markiert"
+#: AKModel/views.py:443
+msgid "The following Constraint Violations will be set to level 'violation'"
+msgstr ""
+"Die folgenden Constraintverletzungen werden auf das Level \"Violation\" "
+#: AKModel/views.py:444
+msgid "Constraint Violations set to level 'violation'"
+msgstr "Constraintverletzungen auf Level \"Violation\" gesetzt"
+#: AKModel/views.py:453
+msgid "The following Constraint Violations will be set to level 'warning'"
+msgstr ""
+"Die folgenden Constraintverletzungen werden auf das Level 'warning' gesetzt."
+#: AKModel/views.py:454
+msgid "Constraint Violations set to level 'warning'"
+msgstr "Constraintverletzungen auf Level \"Warning\" gesetzt"
+#: AKModel/views.py:463
+msgid "Interest of the following AKs will be set to not filled (-1):"
+msgstr "Interesse an den folgenden AKs wird auf nicht ausgefüllt (-1) gesetzt:"
+#: AKModel/views.py:464
+msgid "Reset of interest in AKs successful."
+msgstr "Interesse an AKs erfolgreich zurückgesetzt."
+#: AKModel/views.py:473
+msgid "Interest counter of the following AKs will be set to 0:"
+msgstr "Interessensbekundungszähler der folgenden AKs wird auf 0 gesetzt:"
+#: AKModel/views.py:474
+msgid "AKs' interest counters set back to 0."
+msgstr "Interessenszähler der AKs zurückgesetzt"
+#: AKModel/views.py:483
+msgid "Publish the plan(s) of:"
+msgstr "Den Plan/die Pläne veröffentlichen von:"
+#: AKModel/views.py:484
+msgid "Plan published"
+msgstr "Plan veröffentlicht"
+#: AKModel/views.py:493
+msgid "Unpublish the plan(s) of:"
+msgstr "Den Plan/die Pläne verbergen von:"
+#: AKModel/views.py:494
+msgid "Plan unpublished"
+msgstr "Plan verborgen"
diff --git a/AKModel/models.py b/AKModel/models.py
index dee3b93e38e4de618d094ff766855ffeda5dc7eb..a1896eac4763445dd95f81c11ce1b72b809ace6a 100644
--- a/AKModel/models.py
+++ b/AKModel/models.py
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class Event(models.Model):
             event = Event.objects.order_by('start').filter(start__gt=datetime.now()).first()
         return event
-    def get_categories_with_aks(self, wishes_seperately=False, filter=lambda ak: True):
+    def get_categories_with_aks(self, wishes_seperately=False, filter=lambda ak: True, hide_empty_categories=False):
         Get AKCategories as well as a list of AKs belonging to the category for this event
@@ -97,7 +97,8 @@ class Event(models.Model):
                         if filter(ak):
-                categories_with_aks.append((category, ak_list))
+                if not hide_empty_categories or len(ak_list) > 0:
+                    categories_with_aks.append((category, ak_list))
             return categories_with_aks, ak_wishes
             for category in categories:
@@ -105,7 +106,8 @@ class Event(models.Model):
                 for ak in category.ak_set.all():
                     if filter(ak):
-                categories_with_aks.append((category, ak_list))
+                if not hide_empty_categories or len(ak_list) > 0:
+                    categories_with_aks.append((category, ak_list))
             return categories_with_aks
     def get_unscheduled_wish_slots(self):
diff --git a/AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html b/AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html
index 362c72406804e4973d9600363511aac46226bbe4..d279efeafa139ae7f9c82ba7be404ea4a3474a2e 100644
--- a/AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html
+++ b/AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status.html
@@ -11,6 +11,13 @@
         <h2><a href="{% url 'admin:AKModel_event_change' event.pk %}">{{event}}</a></h2>
         <h5>{{ event.start }} - {{ event.end }}</h5>
+        <div class="custom-control custom-switch mt-2 mb-2">
+          <input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" id="planPublishedSwitch"
+                 {% if not event.plan_hidden %}checked{% endif %}
+                 onclick="location.href='{% if event.plan_hidden %}{% url 'admin:plan-publish' %}{% else %}{% url 'admin:plan-unpublish' %}{% endif %}?pks={{event.pk}}';">
+          <label class="custom-control-label" for="planPublishedSwitch">{% trans "Plan published?" %}</label>
+        </div>
         <div class="row">
             <div class="col-md-8">
                 <h3 class="block-header">{% trans "Categories" %}</h3>
@@ -89,9 +96,7 @@
                     <a class="btn btn-success"
                        href="{% url 'admin:ak_wiki_export' slug=event.slug %}">{% trans "Export AKs for Wiki" %}</a>
                     <a class="btn btn-success"
-                       href="{% url 'admin:ak_slide_export' event_slug=event.slug %}?num_next=3&wish_notes=False">{% trans "Export AK Slides" %}</a>
-                    <a class="btn btn-success"
-                       href="{% url 'admin:ak_slide_export' event_slug=event.slug %}?num_next=3&presentation_mode">{% trans "Export AK Slides (Presentation AKs only)" %}</a>
+                       href="{% url 'admin:ak_slide_export' event_slug=event.slug %}">{% trans "Export AK Slides" %}</a>
                 {% endif %}
                 <h3 class="block-header">{% trans "Requirements" %}</h3>
diff --git a/AKModel/urls.py b/AKModel/urls.py
index ca9cfe6745aa9321db95561536d1bc42cad13fb6..e86661fd425a8d8b9c35b4524d4a027d77118dfb 100644
--- a/AKModel/urls.py
+++ b/AKModel/urls.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from rest_framework.routers import DefaultRouter
 from AKModel import views
 from AKModel.views import NewEventWizardStartView, NewEventWizardSettingsView, NewEventWizardPrepareImportView, \
     NewEventWizardImportView, NewEventWizardActivateView, NewEventWizardFinishView, EventStatusView, \
-    AKRequirementOverview, AKCSVExportView, AKWikiExportView, AKMessageDeleteView, export_slides
+    AKRequirementOverview, AKCSVExportView, AKWikiExportView, AKMessageDeleteView, ExportSlidesView
 api_router = DefaultRouter()
 api_router.register('akowner', views.AKOwnerViewSet, basename='AKOwner')
@@ -81,6 +81,5 @@ def get_admin_urls_event(admin_site):
         path('<slug:event_slug>/delete-orga-messages/', admin_site.admin_view(AKMessageDeleteView.as_view()),
-        path('<slug:event_slug>/ak-slide-export/', export_slides, name="ak_slide_export"),
+        path('<slug:event_slug>/ak-slide-export/', ExportSlidesView.as_view(), name="ak_slide_export"),
diff --git a/AKModel/views.py b/AKModel/views.py
index 08f054f14f9812dbec9cf61db67703c700d92db0..9bb8edc0cd97876d9714f51adfbd4667c4b4c565 100644
--- a/AKModel/views.py
+++ b/AKModel/views.py
@@ -1,19 +1,23 @@
+import os
+import tempfile
 from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
 from itertools import zip_longest
 from django.contrib import admin, messages
-from django.contrib.admin.views.decorators import staff_member_required
-from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
+from django.db.models.functions import Now
 from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect
-from django.urls import reverse_lazy
+from django.urls import reverse_lazy, reverse
 from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
 from django.views.generic import TemplateView, DetailView, ListView, DeleteView, CreateView, FormView, UpdateView
-from django_tex.shortcuts import render_to_pdf
+from django_tex.core import render_template_with_context, run_tex_in_directory
+from django_tex.response import PDFResponse
 from rest_framework import viewsets, permissions, mixins
 from AKModel.forms import NewEventWizardStartForm, NewEventWizardSettingsForm, NewEventWizardPrepareImportForm, \
-    NewEventWizardImportForm, NewEventWizardActivateForm, AdminIntermediateForm
-from AKModel.models import Event, AK, AKSlot, Room, AKTrack, AKCategory, AKOwner, AKOrgaMessage, AKRequirement
+    NewEventWizardImportForm, NewEventWizardActivateForm, AdminIntermediateForm, SlideExportForm, \
+    AdminIntermediateActionForm
+from AKModel.models import Event, AK, AKSlot, Room, AKTrack, AKCategory, AKOwner, AKOrgaMessage, AKRequirement, \
+    ConstraintViolation
 from AKModel.serializers import AKSerializer, AKSlotSerializer, RoomSerializer, AKTrackSerializer, AKCategorySerializer, \
@@ -195,13 +199,12 @@ class AKWikiExportView(AdminViewMixin, DetailView):
         return context
-class IntermediateAdminView(AdminViewMixin, FormView, ABC):
+class IntermediateAdminView(AdminViewMixin, FormView):
     template_name = "admin/AKModel/action_intermediate.html"
     form_class = AdminIntermediateForm
-    @abstractmethod
     def get_preview(self):
-        pass
+        return ""
     def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
         context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
@@ -217,9 +220,6 @@ class AKMessageDeleteView(EventSlugMixin, IntermediateAdminView):
     def get_orga_messages_for_event(self, event):
         return AKOrgaMessage.objects.filter(ak__event=event)
-    def get_preview(self):
-        return None
     def get_success_url(self):
         return reverse_lazy('admin:event_status', kwargs={'slug': self.event.slug})
@@ -326,41 +326,172 @@ class NewEventWizardFinishView(WizardViewMixin, DetailView):
     wizard_step = 6
-def export_slides(request, event_slug):
-    template_name = 'admin/AKModel/export/slides.tex'
-    event = get_object_or_404(Event, slug=event_slug)
-    NEXT_AK_LIST_LENGTH = int(request.GET["num_next"]) if "num_next" in request.GET else 3
-    RESULT_PRESENTATION_MODE = True if "presentation_mode" in request.GET else False
-    SPACE_FOR_NOTES_IN_WISHES = request.GET["wish_notes"] == "True" if "wish_notes" in request.GET else False
-    translations = {
-        'symbols': _("Symbols"),
-        'who': _("Who?"),
-        'duration': _("Duration(s)"),
-        'reso': _("Reso intention?"),
-        'category': _("Category (for Wishes)"),
-        'wishes': _("Wishes"),
-    }
-    def build_ak_list_with_next_aks(ak_list):
-        next_aks_list = zip_longest(*[ak_list[i + 1:] for i in range(NEXT_AK_LIST_LENGTH)], fillvalue=None)
-        return [(ak, next_aks) for ak, next_aks in zip_longest(ak_list, next_aks_list, fillvalue=list())]
-    categories_with_aks, ak_wishes = event.get_categories_with_aks(wishes_seperately=True, filter=lambda
-        ak: not RESULT_PRESENTATION_MODE or (ak.present or (ak.present is None and ak.category.present_by_default)))
-    context = {
-        'title': event.name,
-        'categories_with_aks': [(category, build_ak_list_with_next_aks(ak_list)) for category, ak_list in
-                                categories_with_aks],
-        'subtitle': _("AKs"),
-        "wishes": build_ak_list_with_next_aks(ak_wishes),
-        "translations": translations,
-        "result_presentation_mode": RESULT_PRESENTATION_MODE,
-        "space_for_notes_in_wishes": SPACE_FOR_NOTES_IN_WISHES,
-    }
-    return render_to_pdf(request, template_name, context, filename='slides.pdf')
+class ExportSlidesView(EventSlugMixin, IntermediateAdminView):
+    title = _('Export AK Slides')
+    form_class = SlideExportForm
+    def form_valid(self, form):
+        template_name = 'admin/AKModel/export/slides.tex'
+        NEXT_AK_LIST_LENGTH = form.cleaned_data['num_next']
+        RESULT_PRESENTATION_MODE = form.cleaned_data["presentation_mode"]
+        SPACE_FOR_NOTES_IN_WISHES = form.cleaned_data["wish_notes"]
+        translations = {
+            'symbols': _("Symbols"),
+            'who': _("Who?"),
+            'duration': _("Duration(s)"),
+            'reso': _("Reso intention?"),
+            'category': _("Category (for Wishes)"),
+            'wishes': _("Wishes"),
+        }
+        def build_ak_list_with_next_aks(ak_list):
+            next_aks_list = zip_longest(*[ak_list[i + 1:] for i in range(NEXT_AK_LIST_LENGTH)], fillvalue=None)
+            return [(ak, next_aks) for ak, next_aks in zip_longest(ak_list, next_aks_list, fillvalue=list())]
+        categories_with_aks, ak_wishes = self.event.get_categories_with_aks(wishes_seperately=True, filter=lambda
+            ak: not RESULT_PRESENTATION_MODE or (ak.present or (ak.present is None and ak.category.present_by_default)))
+        context = {
+            'title': self.event.name,
+            'categories_with_aks': [(category, build_ak_list_with_next_aks(ak_list)) for category, ak_list in
+                                    categories_with_aks],
+            'subtitle': _("AKs"),
+            "wishes": build_ak_list_with_next_aks(ak_wishes),
+            "translations": translations,
+            "result_presentation_mode": RESULT_PRESENTATION_MODE,
+            "space_for_notes_in_wishes": SPACE_FOR_NOTES_IN_WISHES,
+        }
+        source = render_template_with_context(template_name, context)
+        # Perform real compilation (run latex twice for correct page numbers)
+        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
+            run_tex_in_directory(source, tempdir, template_name=self.template_name)
+            os.remove(f'{tempdir}/texput.tex')
+            pdf = run_tex_in_directory(source, tempdir, template_name=self.template_name)
+        return PDFResponse(pdf, filename='slides.pdf')
+class IntermediateAdminActionView(IntermediateAdminView, ABC):
+    form_class = AdminIntermediateActionForm
+    entities = None
+    def get_queryset(self, pks=None):
+        if pks is None:
+            pks = self.request.GET['pks']
+        return self.model.objects.filter(pk__in=pks.split(","))
+    def get_initial(self):
+        initial = super().get_initial()
+        initial['pks'] = self.request.GET['pks']
+        return initial
+    def get_preview(self):
+        self.entities = self.get_queryset()
+        joined_entities = '\n'.join(str(e) for e in self.entities)
+        return f"{self.confirmation_message}:\n\n {joined_entities}"
+    def get_success_url(self):
+        return reverse(f"admin:{self.model._meta.app_label}_{self.model._meta.model_name}_changelist")
+    @abstractmethod
+    def action(self, form):
+        pass
+    def form_valid(self, form):
+        self.entities = self.get_queryset(pks=form.cleaned_data['pks'])
+        self.action(form)
+        messages.add_message(self.request, messages.SUCCESS, self.success_message)
+        return super().form_valid(form)
+class LoopActionMixin(ABC):
+    def action(self, form):
+        self.pre_action()
+        for entity in self.entities:
+            self.perform_action(entity)
+            entity.save()
+        self.post_action()
+    @abstractmethod
+    def perform_action(self, entity):
+        pass
+    def pre_action(self):
+        pass
+    def post_action(self):
+        pass
+class CVMarkResolvedView(IntermediateAdminActionView):
+    title = _('Mark Constraint Violations as manually resolved')
+    model = ConstraintViolation
+    confirmation_message = _("The following Constraint Violations will be marked as manually resolved")
+    success_message = _("Constraint Violations marked as resolved")
+    def action(self, form):
+        self.entities.update(manually_resolved=True)
+class CVSetLevelViolationView(IntermediateAdminActionView):
+    title = _('Set Constraint Violations to level "violation"')
+    model = ConstraintViolation
+    confirmation_message = _("The following Constraint Violations will be set to level 'violation'")
+    success_message = _("Constraint Violations set to level 'violation'")
+    def action(self, form):
+        self.entities.update(level=ConstraintViolation.ViolationLevel.VIOLATION)
+class CVSetLevelWarningView(IntermediateAdminActionView):
+    title = _('Set Constraint Violations to level "warning"')
+    model = ConstraintViolation
+    confirmation_message = _("The following Constraint Violations will be set to level 'warning'")
+    success_message = _("Constraint Violations set to level 'warning'")
+    def action(self, form):
+        self.entities.update(level=ConstraintViolation.ViolationLevel.WARNING)
+class AKResetInterestView(IntermediateAdminActionView):
+    title = _("Reset interest in AKs")
+    model = AK
+    confirmation_message = _("Interest of the following AKs will be set to not filled (-1):")
+    success_message = _("Reset of interest in AKs successful.")
+    def action(self, form):
+        self.entities.update(interest=-1)
+class AKResetInterestCounterView(IntermediateAdminActionView):
+    title = _("Reset AKs' interest counters")
+    model = AK
+    confirmation_message = _("Interest counter of the following AKs will be set to 0:")
+    success_message = _("AKs' interest counters set back to 0.")
+    def action(self, form):
+        self.entities.update(interest_counter=0)
+class PlanPublishView(IntermediateAdminActionView):
+    title = _('Publish plan')
+    model = Event
+    confirmation_message = _('Publish the plan(s) of:')
+    success_message = _('Plan published')
+    def action(self, form):
+        self.entities.update(plan_published_at=Now(), plan_hidden=False)
+class PlanUnpublishView(IntermediateAdminActionView):
+    title = _('Unpublish plan')
+    model = Event
+    confirmation_message = _('Unpublish the plan(s) of:')
+    success_message = _('Plan unpublished')
+    def action(self, form):
+        self.entities.update(plan_published_at=None, plan_hidden=True)
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 2271a46748a00e2e888afe8e3930a83e915e1e08..5b8693e83e70dfa3367abf91b49e1c509afe9fa0 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ django-simple-history==3.1.1
-django-tex @ git+https://github.com/bhaettasch/django-tex.git@66cc6567acde4db2ac971b7707652067e664392c
 mysqlclient==2.0.3  # for production deployment