from django.db.models.signals import post_save, m2m_changed from django.dispatch import receiver from AKModel.availability.models import Availability from AKModel.models import AK, AKSlot, Room, Event, AKOwner, ConstraintViolation @receiver(post_save, sender=AK) def ak_changed_handler(sender, instance: AK, **kwargs): # Changes might affect: Owner(s), Requirements, Conflicts, Prerequisites, Category, Interest pass @receiver(m2m_changed, sender=AK.owners.through) def ak_changed_handler(sender, instance: AK, action: str, **kwargs): """ Owners of AK changed """ # Only signal after change (post_add, post_delete, post_clear) are relevant if not action.startswith("post"): return # print(f"{instance} changed") event = instance.event # Owner(s) changed: Might affect multiple AKs by the same owner(s) at the same time violation_type = ConstraintViolation.ViolationType.OWNER_TWO_SLOTS new_violations = [] slots_of_this_ak: [AKSlot] = instance.akslot_set.filter(start__isnull=False) # For all owners (after recent change)... for owner in instance.owners.all(): # ...find other slots that might be overlapping... for ak in owner.ak_set.all(): # ...find overlapping slots... if ak != instance: for slot in slots_of_this_ak: for other_slot in ak.akslot_set.filter(start__isnull=False): if slot.overlaps(other_slot): # ...and create a temporary violation if necessary... c = ConstraintViolation( type=violation_type, level=ConstraintViolation.ViolationLevel.VIOLATION, event=event, ak_owner=owner ) c.aks_tmp.add(instance) c.aks_tmp.add(other_slot.ak) c.ak_slots_tmp.add(slot) c.ak_slots_tmp.add(other_slot) new_violations.append(c) # print(f"{owner} has the following conflicts: {new_violations}") # ... and compare to/update list of existing violations of this type # belonging to the AK that was recently changed (important!) existing_violations_to_check = list(instance.constraintviolation_set.filter(type=violation_type)) # print(existing_violations_to_check) for new_violation in new_violations: found_match = False for existing_violation in existing_violations_to_check: if existing_violation.matches(new_violation): # Remove from existing violations set since it should stay in db existing_violations_to_check.remove(existing_violation) found_match = True break # Only save new violation if no match was found if not found_match: # Cleanup obsolete violations (ones without matches computed under current conditions) for outdated_violation in existing_violations_to_check: outdated_violation.delete() @receiver(post_save, sender=AKSlot) def akslot_changed_handler(sender, instance, **kwargs): # Changes might affect: Duplicate parallel, Two in room, Resodeadline print(f"{sender} changed") # TODO Replace with real handling @receiver(post_save, sender=Room) def room_changed_handler(sender, **kwargs): # Changes might affect: Room size, Requirement print(f"{sender} changed") # TODO Replace with real handling @receiver(post_save, sender=Availability) def availability_changed_handler(sender, **kwargs): # Changes might affect: category availability, AK availability, Room availability print(f"{sender} changed") # TODO Replace with real handling @receiver(post_save, sender=Event) def room_changed_handler(sender, **kwargs): # Changes might affect: Reso-Deadline print(f"{sender} changed") # TODO Replace with real handling