import itertools from datetime import timedelta from django.db import models from django.apps import apps from django.db.models import Count from django.urls import reverse_lazy from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.datetime_safe import datetime from django.utils.text import slugify from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from simple_history.models import HistoricalRecords from timezone_field import TimeZoneField class Event(models.Model): """ An event supplies the frame for all Aks. """ name = models.CharField(max_length=64, unique=True, verbose_name=_('Name'), help_text=_('Name or iteration of the event')) slug = models.SlugField(max_length=32, unique=True, verbose_name=_('Short Form'), help_text=_('Short name of letters/numbers/dots/dashes/underscores used in URLs.')) place = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True, verbose_name=_('Place'), help_text=_('City etc. the event takes place in')) timezone = TimeZoneField(default='Europe/Berlin', blank=False, choices_display="WITH_GMT_OFFSET", verbose_name=_('Time Zone'), help_text=_('Time Zone where this event takes place in')) start = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('Start'), help_text=_('Time the event begins')) end = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('End'), help_text=_('Time the event ends')) reso_deadline = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('Resolution Deadline'), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('When should AKs with intention to submit a resolution be done?')) interest_start = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('Interest Window Start'), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('Opening time for expression of interest.')) interest_end = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('Interest Window End'), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('Closing time for expression of interest.')) public = models.BooleanField(verbose_name=_('Public event'), default=True, help_text=_('Show this event on overview page.')) active = models.BooleanField(verbose_name=_('Active State'), help_text=_('Marks currently active events')) plan_hidden = models.BooleanField(verbose_name=_('Plan Hidden'), help_text=_('Hides plan for non-staff users'), default=True) plan_published_at = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('Plan published at'), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('Timestamp at which the plan was published')) base_url = models.URLField(verbose_name=_("Base URL"), help_text=_("Prefix for wiki link construction"), blank=True) wiki_export_template_name = models.CharField(verbose_name=_("Wiki Export Template Name"), blank=True, max_length=50) default_slot = models.DecimalField(max_digits=4, decimal_places=2, default=2, verbose_name=_('Default Slot Length'), help_text=_('Default length in hours that is assumed for AKs in this event.')) contact_email = models.EmailField(verbose_name=_("Contact email address"), blank=True, help_text=_("An email address that is displayed on every page " "and can be used for all kinds of questions")) class Meta: verbose_name = _('Event') verbose_name_plural = _('Events') ordering = ['-start'] def __str__(self): return @staticmethod def get_by_slug(slug): """ Get event by its slug :param slug: slug of the event :return: event identified by the slug :rtype: Event """ return Event.objects.get(slug=slug) @staticmethod def get_next_active(): """ Get first active event taking place :return: matching event (if any) or None :rtype: Event """ event = Event.objects.filter(active=True).order_by('start').first() # No active event? Return the next event taking place if event is None: event = Event.objects.order_by('start').filter( return event def get_categories_with_aks(self, wishes_seperately=False, filter_func=lambda ak: True, hide_empty_categories=False): """ Get AKCategories as well as a list of AKs belonging to the category for this event :param wishes_seperately: Return wishes as individual list. :type wishes_seperately: bool :param filter_func: Optional filter predicate, only include AK in list if filter returns True :type filter_func: (AK)->bool :return: list of category-AK-list-tuples, optionally the additional list of AK wishes :rtype: list[(AKCategory, list[AK])] [, list[AK]] """ categories = self.akcategory_set.select_related('event').all() categories_with_aks = [] ak_wishes = [] # Fill lists by iterating # A different behavior is needed depending on whether wishes should show up inside their categories # or as a separate category def _get_category_aks(category): """ Get all AKs belonging to a category Use joining and prefetching to reduce the number of necessary SQL queries :param category: category the AKs should belong to :return: QuerySet over AKs :return: QuerySet[AK] """ return category.ak_set.select_related('event').prefetch_related('owners', 'akslot_set').all() if wishes_seperately: for category in categories: ak_list = [] for ak in _get_category_aks(category): if filter_func(ak): if ak.wish: ak_wishes.append(ak) else: ak_list.append(ak) if not hide_empty_categories or len(ak_list) > 0: categories_with_aks.append((category, ak_list)) return categories_with_aks, ak_wishes for category in categories: ak_list = [] for ak in _get_category_aks(category): if filter_func(ak): ak_list.append(ak) if not hide_empty_categories or len(ak_list) > 0: categories_with_aks.append((category, ak_list)) return categories_with_aks def get_unscheduled_wish_slots(self): """ Get all slots of wishes that are currently not scheduled :return: queryset of theses slots :rtype: QuerySet[AKSlot] """ return self.akslot_set.filter(start__isnull=True).annotate(Count('ak__owners')).filter(ak__owners__count=0) def get_aks_without_availabilities(self): """ Gt all AKs that don't have any availability at all :return: generator over these AKs :rtype: Generator[AK] """ return (self.ak_set .annotate(Count('availabilities', distinct=True)) .annotate(Count('owners', distinct=True)) .filter(availabilities__count=0, owners__count__gt=0) ) class AKOwner(models.Model): """ An AKOwner describes the person organizing/holding an AK. """ name = models.CharField(max_length=64, verbose_name=_('Nickname'), help_text=_('Name to identify an AK owner by')) slug = models.SlugField(max_length=64, blank=True, verbose_name=_('Slug'), help_text=_('Slug for URL generation')) institution = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True, verbose_name=_('Institution'), help_text=_('Uni etc.')) link = models.URLField(blank=True, verbose_name=_('Web Link'), help_text=_('Link to Homepage')) event = models.ForeignKey(to=Event, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_('Event'), help_text=_('Associated event')) class Meta: verbose_name = _('AK Owner') verbose_name_plural = _('AK Owners') ordering = ['name'] unique_together = [['event', 'name', 'institution'], ['event', 'slug']] def __str__(self): if self.institution: return f"{} ({self.institution})" return def _generate_slug(self): """ Auto-generate a slug for an owner This will start with a very simple slug (the name truncated to a maximum length) and then gradually produce more complicated slugs when the previous candidates are already used :return: the slug :rtype: str """ max_length = self._meta.get_field('slug').max_length # Try name alone (truncated if necessary) slug_candidate = slugify([:max_length] if not AKOwner.objects.filter(event=self.event, slug=slug_candidate).exists(): self.slug = slug_candidate return # Try name and institution separated by '_' (truncated if necessary) slug_candidate = slugify(slug_candidate + '_' + self.institution)[:max_length] if not AKOwner.objects.filter(event=self.event, slug=slug_candidate).exists(): self.slug = slug_candidate return # Try name + institution + an incrementing digit for i in itertools.count(1): if not AKOwner.objects.filter(event=self.event, slug=slug_candidate).exists(): break digits = len(str(i)) slug_candidate = f'{slug_candidate[:-(digits + 1)]}-{i}' self.slug = slug_candidate def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.slug: self._generate_slug() super().save(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def get_by_slug(event, slug): """ Get owner by slug Will be identified by the combination of event slug and owner slug which is unique :param event: event :param slug: slug of the owner :return: owner identified by slugs :rtype: AKOwner """ return AKOwner.objects.get(event=event, slug=slug) class AKCategory(models.Model): """ An AKCategory describes the characteristics of an AK, e.g. content vs. recreational. """ name = models.CharField(max_length=64, verbose_name=_('Name'), help_text=_('Name of the AK Category')) color = models.CharField(max_length=7, blank=True, verbose_name=_('Color'), help_text=_('Color for displaying')) description = models.TextField(blank=True, verbose_name=_("Description"), help_text=_("Short description of this AK Category")) present_by_default = models.BooleanField(blank=True, default=True, verbose_name=_("Present by default"), help_text=_("Present AKs of this category by default " "if AK owner did not specify whether this AK should be presented?")) event = models.ForeignKey(to=Event, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_('Event'), help_text=_('Associated event')) class Meta: verbose_name = _('AK Category') verbose_name_plural = _('AK Categories') ordering = ['name'] unique_together = ['event', 'name'] def __str__(self): return class AKTrack(models.Model): """ An AKTrack describes a set of semantically related AKs. """ name = models.CharField(max_length=64, verbose_name=_('Name'), help_text=_('Name of the AK Track')) color = models.CharField(max_length=7, blank=True, verbose_name=_('Color'), help_text=_('Color for displaying')) event = models.ForeignKey(to=Event, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_('Event'), help_text=_('Associated event')) class Meta: verbose_name = _('AK Track') verbose_name_plural = _('AK Tracks') ordering = ['name'] unique_together = ['event', 'name'] def __str__(self): return def aks_with_category(self): """ Get all AKs that belong to this track with category already joined to prevent additional SQL queries :return: queryset over the AKs :rtype: QuerySet[AK] """ return self.ak_set.select_related('category').all() class AKRequirement(models.Model): """ An AKRequirement describes something needed to hold an AK, e.g. infrastructure. """ name = models.CharField(max_length=128, verbose_name=_('Name'), help_text=_('Name of the Requirement')) event = models.ForeignKey(to=Event, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_('Event'), help_text=_('Associated event')) class Meta: verbose_name = _('AK Requirement') verbose_name_plural = _('AK Requirements') ordering = ['name'] unique_together = ['event', 'name'] def __str__(self): return class AK(models.Model): """ An AK is a slot-based activity to be scheduled during an event. """ name = models.CharField(max_length=256, verbose_name=_('Name'), help_text=_('Name of the AK')) short_name = models.CharField(max_length=64, blank=True, verbose_name=_('Short Name'), help_text=_('Name displayed in the schedule')) description = models.TextField(blank=True, verbose_name=_('Description'), help_text=_('Description of the AK')) owners = models.ManyToManyField(to=AKOwner, blank=True, verbose_name=_('Owners'), help_text=_('Those organizing the AK')) # TODO generate automatically link = models.URLField(blank=True, verbose_name=_('Web Link'), help_text=_('Link to wiki page')) protocol_link = models.URLField(blank=True, verbose_name=_('Protocol Link'), help_text=_('Link to protocol')) category = models.ForeignKey(to=AKCategory, on_delete=models.PROTECT, verbose_name=_('Category'), help_text=_('Category of the AK')) track = models.ForeignKey(to=AKTrack, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, verbose_name=_('Track'), help_text=_('Track the AK belongs to')) reso = models.BooleanField(verbose_name=_('Resolution Intention'), default=False, help_text=_('Intends to submit a resolution')) present = models.BooleanField(verbose_name=_("Present this AK"), null=True, help_text=_("Present results of this AK")) requirements = models.ManyToManyField(to=AKRequirement, blank=True, verbose_name=_('Requirements'), help_text=_("AK's Requirements")) conflicts = models.ManyToManyField(to='AK', blank=True, related_name='conflict', verbose_name=_('Conflicting AKs'), help_text=_('AKs that conflict and thus must not take place at the same time')) prerequisites = models.ManyToManyField(to='AK', blank=True, verbose_name=_('Prerequisite AKs'), help_text=_('AKs that should precede this AK in the schedule')) notes = models.TextField(blank=True, verbose_name=_('Organizational Notes'), help_text=_( 'Notes to organizers. These are public. For private notes, please use the button for private messages ' 'on the detail page of this AK (after creation/editing).')) interest = models.IntegerField(default=-1, verbose_name=_('Interest'), help_text=_('Expected number of people')) interest_counter = models.IntegerField(default=0, verbose_name=_('Interest Counter'), help_text=_('People who have indicated interest online')) event = models.ForeignKey(to=Event, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_('Event'), help_text=_('Associated event')) include_in_export = models.BooleanField(default=True, verbose_name=_('Export?'), help_text=_("Include AK in wiki export?")) history = HistoricalRecords(excluded_fields=['interest_counter', 'include_in_export']) class Meta: verbose_name = _('AK') verbose_name_plural = _('AKs') unique_together = [['event', 'name'], ['event', 'short_name']] ordering = ['pk'] def __str__(self): if self.short_name: return self.short_name return @property def details(self): """ Generate a detailed string representation, e.g., for usage in scheduling :return: string representation of that AK with all details :rtype: str """ # local import to prevent cyclic import # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from AKModel.availability.models import Availability availabilities = ', \n'.join(f'{a.simplified}' for a in Availability.objects.select_related('event') .filter(ak=self)) detail_string = f"""{}{" (R)" if self.reso else ""}: {self.owners_list} {_('Interest')}: {self.interest}""" if self.requirements.count() > 0: detail_string += f"\n{_('Requirements')}: {', '.join(str(r) for r in self.requirements.all())}" if self.conflicts.count() > 0: detail_string += f"\n{_('Conflicts')}: {', '.join(str(c) for c in self.conflicts.all())}" if self.prerequisites.count() > 0: detail_string += f"\n{_('Prerequisites')}: {', '.join(str(p) for p in self.prerequisites.all())}" detail_string += f"\n{_('Availabilities')}: \n{availabilities}" return detail_string @property def owners_list(self): """ Get a list of stringified representations of all owners :return: list of owners :rtype: List[str] """ return ", ".join(str(owner) for owner in self.owners.all()) @property def durations_list(self): """ Get a list of stringified representations of all durations of associated slots :return: list of durations :rtype: List[str] """ return ", ".join(str(slot.duration_simplified) for slot in self.akslot_set.select_related('event').all()) @property def wish(self): """ Is the AK a wish? :return: true if wish, false if not :rtype: bool """ return self.owners.count() == 0 def increment_interest(self): """ Increment the interest counter for this AK by one without tracking that change to prevent an unreadable and large history """ self.interest_counter += 1 self.skip_history_when_saving = True # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init del self.skip_history_when_saving @property def availabilities(self): """ Get all availabilities associated to this AK :return: availabilities :rtype: QuerySet[Availability] """ return "Availability".objects.filter(ak=self) @property def edit_url(self): """ Get edit URL for this AK Will link to frontend if AKSubmission is active, otherwise to the edit view for this object in admin interface :return: URL :rtype: str """ if apps.is_installed("AKSubmission"): return reverse_lazy('submit:ak_edit', kwargs={'event_slug': self.event.slug, 'pk':}) return reverse_lazy('admin:AKModel_ak_change', kwargs={'object_id':}) @property def detail_url(self): """ Get detail URL for this AK Will link to frontend if AKSubmission is active, otherwise to the edit view for this object in admin interface :return: URL :rtype: str """ if apps.is_installed("AKSubmission"): return reverse_lazy('submit:ak_detail', kwargs={'event_slug': self.event.slug, 'pk':}) return self.edit_url class Room(models.Model): """ A room describes where an AK can be held. """ name = models.CharField(max_length=64, verbose_name=_('Name'), help_text=_('Name or number of the room')) location = models.CharField(max_length=256, blank=True, verbose_name=_('Location'), help_text=_('Name or number of the location')) capacity = models.IntegerField(verbose_name=_('Capacity'), help_text=_('Maximum number of people (-1 for unlimited).')) properties = models.ManyToManyField(to=AKRequirement, blank=True, verbose_name=_('Properties'), help_text=_('AK requirements fulfilled by the room')) event = models.ForeignKey(to=Event, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_('Event'), help_text=_('Associated event')) class Meta: verbose_name = _('Room') verbose_name_plural = _('Rooms') ordering = ['location', 'name'] unique_together = ['event', 'name', 'location'] @property def title(self): """ Get title of a room, which consists of location and name if location is set, otherwise only the name :return: title :rtype: str """ if self.location: return f"{self.location} {}" return def __str__(self): return self.title class AKSlot(models.Model): """ An AK Mapping matches an AK to a room during a certain time. """ ak = models.ForeignKey(to=AK, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_('AK'), help_text=_('AK being mapped')) room = models.ForeignKey(to=Room, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, verbose_name=_('Room'), help_text=_('Room the AK will take place in')) start = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('Slot Begin'), help_text=_('Time and date the slot begins'), blank=True, null=True) duration = models.DecimalField(max_digits=4, decimal_places=2, default=2, verbose_name=_('Duration'), help_text=_('Length in hours')) fixed = models.BooleanField(default=False, verbose_name=_('Scheduling fixed'), help_text=_('Length and time of this AK should not be changed')) event = models.ForeignKey(to=Event, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_('Event'), help_text=_('Associated event')) updated = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, verbose_name=_("Last update")) class Meta: verbose_name = _('AK Slot') verbose_name_plural = _('AK Slots') ordering = ['start', 'room'] def __str__(self): if return f"{self.ak} @ {self.start_simplified} in {}" return f"{self.ak} @ {self.start_simplified}" @property def duration_simplified(self): """ Display duration of slot in format hours:minutes, e.g. 1.5 -> "1:30" """ hours, minutes = divmod(self.duration * 60, 60) return f"{int(hours)}:{int(minutes):02}" @property def start_simplified(self): """ Display start time of slot in format weekday + time, e.g. "Fri 14:00" """ if self.start is None: return _("Not scheduled yet") return self.start.astimezone(self.event.timezone).strftime('%a %H:%M') @property def time_simplified(self): """ Display start and end time of slot in format weekday + time, e.g. "Fri 14:00 - 15:30" or "Fri 22:00 - Sat 02:00" """ if self.start is None: return _("Not scheduled yet") start = self.start.astimezone(self.event.timezone) end = self.end.astimezone(self.event.timezone) return (f"{start.strftime('%a %H:%M')} - " f"{end.strftime('%H:%M') if == else end.strftime('%a %H:%M')}") @property def end(self): """ Retrieve end time of the AK slot """ return self.start + timedelta(hours=float(self.duration)) @property def seconds_since_last_update(self): """ Return minutes since last update :return: minutes since last update :rtype: float """ return ( - self.updated).total_seconds() def overlaps(self, other: "AKSlot"): """ Check wether two slots overlap :param other: second slot to compare with :return: true if they overlap, false if not: :rtype: bool """ return self.start < other.end <= self.end or self.start <= other.start < self.end class AKOrgaMessage(models.Model): """ Model representing confidential messages to the organizers/scheduling people, belonging to a certain AK """ ak = models.ForeignKey(to=AK, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_('AK'), help_text=_('AK this message belongs to')) text = models.TextField(verbose_name=_("Message text"), help_text=_("Message to the organizers. This is not publicly visible.")) timestamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) event = models.ForeignKey(to=Event, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_('Event'), help_text=_('Associated event')) class Meta: verbose_name = _('AK Orga Message') verbose_name_plural = _('AK Orga Messages') ordering = ['-timestamp'] def __str__(self): return f'AK Orga Message for "{self.ak}" @ {self.timestamp}' class ConstraintViolation(models.Model): """ Model to represent any kind of constraint violation Can have two different severities: violation and warning The list of possible types is defined in :class:`ViolationType` Depending on the type, different fields (references to other models) will be filled. Each violation should always be related to an event and at least on other instance of a causing entity """ class Meta: verbose_name = _('Constraint Violation') verbose_name_plural = _('Constraint Violations') ordering = ['-timestamp'] class ViolationType(models.TextChoices): """ Possible types of violations with their text representation """ OWNER_TWO_SLOTS = 'ots', _('Owner has two parallel slots') SLOT_OUTSIDE_AVAIL = 'soa', _('AK Slot was scheduled outside the AK\'s availabilities') ROOM_TWO_SLOTS = 'rts', _('Room has two AK slots scheduled at the same time') REQUIRE_NOT_GIVEN = 'rng', _('Room does not satisfy the requirement of the scheduled AK') AK_CONFLICT_COLLISION = 'acc', _('AK Slot is scheduled at the same time as an AK listed as a conflict') AK_BEFORE_PREREQUISITE = 'abp', _('AK Slot is scheduled before an AK listed as a prerequisite') AK_AFTER_RESODEADLINE = 'aar', _( 'AK Slot for AK with intention to submit a resolution is scheduled after resolution deadline') AK_CATEGORY_MISMATCH = 'acm', _('AK Slot in a category is outside that categories availabilities') AK_SLOT_COLLISION = 'asc', _('Two AK Slots for the same AK scheduled at the same time') ROOM_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED = 'rce', _('Room does not have enough space for interest in scheduled AK Slot') SLOT_OUTSIDE_EVENT = 'soe', _('AK Slot is scheduled outside the event\'s availabilities') class ViolationLevel(models.IntegerChoices): """ Possible severities/levels of a CV """ WARNING = 1, _('Warning') VIOLATION = 10, _('Violation') type = models.CharField(verbose_name=_('Type'), max_length=3, choices=ViolationType.choices, help_text=_('Type of violation, i.e. what kind of constraint was violated')) level = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(verbose_name=_('Level'), choices=ViolationLevel.choices, help_text=_('Severity level of the violation')) event = models.ForeignKey(to=Event, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_('Event'), help_text=_('Associated event')) # Possible "causes": aks = models.ManyToManyField(to=AK, blank=True, verbose_name=_('AKs'), help_text=_('AK(s) belonging to this constraint')) ak_slots = models.ManyToManyField(to=AKSlot, blank=True, verbose_name=_('AK Slots'), help_text=_('AK Slot(s) belonging to this constraint')) ak_owner = models.ForeignKey(to=AKOwner, on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('AK Owner'), help_text=_('AK Owner belonging to this constraint')) room = models.ForeignKey(to=Room, on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('Room'), help_text=_('Room belonging to this constraint')) requirement = models.ForeignKey(to=AKRequirement, on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('AK Requirement'), help_text=_('AK Requirement belonging to this constraint')) category = models.ForeignKey(to=AKCategory, on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('AK Category'), help_text=_('AK Category belonging to this constraint')) comment = models.TextField(verbose_name=_('Comment'), help_text=_('Comment or further details for this violation'), blank=True) timestamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, verbose_name=_('Timestamp'), help_text=_('Time of creation')) manually_resolved = models.BooleanField(verbose_name=_('Manually Resolved'), default=False, help_text=_('Mark this violation manually as resolved')) fields = ['ak_owner', 'room', 'requirement', 'category', 'comment'] fields_mm = ['_aks', '_ak_slots'] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.aks_tmp = set() self.ak_slots_tmp = set() def get_details(self): """ Get details of this constraint (all fields connected to it) :return: string of details :rtype: str """ # Stringify aks and ak slots fields (m2m) output = [f"{_('AKs')}: {self._aks_str}", f"{_('AK Slots')}: {self._ak_slots_str}"] # Stringify all other fields for field in self.fields: a = getattr(self, field, None) if a is not None and str(a) != '': output.append(f"{field}: {a}") return ", ".join(output) get_details.short_description = _('Details') @property def details(self): """ Property: Details """ return self.get_details() @property def edit_url(self) -> str: """ Property: Edit URL for this CV """ return reverse_lazy('admin:AKModel_constraintviolation_change', kwargs={'object_id':}) @property def level_display(self) -> str: """ Property: Severity as string """ return self.get_level_display() @property def type_display(self) -> str: """ Property: Type as string """ return self.get_type_display() @property def timestamp_display(self) -> str: """ Property: Creation timestamp as string """ return self.timestamp.astimezone(self.event.timezone).strftime('%d.%m.%y %H:%M') @property def _aks(self): """ Get all AKs belonging to this constraint violation The distinction between real and tmp relationships is needed since many to many relations only work for objects already persisted in the database :return: set of all AKs belonging to this constraint violation :rtype: set(AK) """ if and > 0: return set(self.aks.all()) return self.aks_tmp @property def _aks_str(self) -> str: """ Property: AKs as string """ if and > 0: return ', '.join(str(a) for a in self.aks.all()) return ', '.join(str(a) for a in self.aks_tmp) @property def _ak_slots(self): """ Get all AK Slots belonging to this constraint violation The distinction between real and tmp relationships is needed since many to many relations only work for objects already persisted in the database :return: set of all AK Slots belonging to this constraint violation :rtype: set(AKSlot) """ if and > 0: return set(self.ak_slots.all()) return self.ak_slots_tmp @property def _ak_slots_str(self) -> str: """ Property: Slots as string """ if and > 0: return ', '.join(str(a) for a in self.ak_slots.select_related('event').all()) return ', '.join(str(a) for a in self.ak_slots_tmp) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): super().save(*args, **kwargs) # Store temporary m2m-relations in db for ak in self.aks_tmp: self.aks.add(ak) for ak_slot in self.ak_slots_tmp: self.ak_slots.add(ak_slot) def __str__(self): return f"{self.get_level_display()}: {self.get_type_display()} [{self.get_details()}]" def matches(self, other): """ Check whether one constraint violation instance matches another, this means has the same type, room, requirement, owner, category as well as the same lists of aks and ak slots. PK, timestamp, comments and manual resolving are ignored. :param other: second instance to compare to :type other: ConstraintViolation :return: true if both instances are similar in the way described, false if not :rtype: bool """ if not isinstance(other, ConstraintViolation): return False # Check type if self.type != other.type: return False # Make sure both have the same aks and ak slots for field_mm in self.fields_mm: s: set = getattr(self, field_mm) o: set = getattr(other, field_mm) if len(s) != len(o): return False if len(s.intersection(o)) != len(s): return False # Check other "defining" fields for field in self.fields: if getattr(self, field) != getattr(other, field): return False return True class DefaultSlot(models.Model): """ Model representing a default slot, i.e., a prefered slot to use for typical AKs in the schedule to guarantee enough breaks etc. """ class Meta: verbose_name = _('Default Slot') verbose_name_plural = _('Default Slots') ordering = ['-start'] start = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('Slot Begin'), help_text=_('Time and date the slot begins')) end = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('Slot End'), help_text=_('Time and date the slot ends')) event = models.ForeignKey(to=Event, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_('Event'), help_text=_('Associated event')) primary_categories = models.ManyToManyField(to=AKCategory, verbose_name=_('Primary categories'), blank=True, help_text=_('Categories that should be assigned to this slot primarily')) @property def start_simplified(self) -> str: """ Property: Simplified version of the start timetstamp (weekday, hour, minute) as string """ return self.start.astimezone(self.event.timezone).strftime('%a %H:%M') @property def start_iso(self) -> str: """ Property: Start timestamp as ISO timestamp for usage in calendar views """ return timezone.localtime(self.start, self.event.timezone).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") @property def end_simplified(self) -> str: """ Property: Simplified version of the end timetstamp (weekday, hour, minute) as string """ return self.end.astimezone(self.event.timezone).strftime('%a %H:%M') @property def end_iso(self) -> str: """ Property: End timestamp as ISO timestamp for usage in calendar views """ return timezone.localtime(self.end, self.event.timezone).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") def __str__(self): return f"{self.event}: {self.start_simplified} - {self.end_simplified}"