msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-03-26 19:54+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n" "Language: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" #: AKModel/ AKModel/ #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/activate.html:32 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/created_prepare_import.html:48 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/finish.html:21 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/requirements_overview.html:8 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status/status.html:8 #: AKModel/templates/admin/ak_index.html:15 msgid "Status" msgstr "Status" #: AKModel/ msgid "Toggle plan visibility" msgstr "Plansichtbarkeit ändern" #: AKModel/ AKModel/ AKModel/views/ msgid "Publish plan" msgstr "Plan veröffentlichen" #: AKModel/ AKModel/ AKModel/views/ msgid "Unpublish plan" msgstr "Plan verbergen" #: AKModel/ msgid "Wish" msgstr "AK-Wunsch" #: AKModel/ msgid "Is wish" msgstr "Ist ein Wunsch" #: AKModel/ msgid "Is not a wish" msgstr "Ist kein Wunsch" #: AKModel/ msgid "Export to wiki syntax" msgstr "In Wiki-Syntax exportieren" #: AKModel/ msgid "Cannot export AKs from more than one event at the same time." msgstr "Kann nicht AKs von mehreren Events zur selben Zeit exportieren." #: AKModel/ AKModel/views/ msgid "Reset interest in AKs" msgstr "Interesse an AKs zurücksetzen" #: AKModel/ AKModel/views/ msgid "Reset AKs' interest counters" msgstr "Interessenszähler der AKs zurücksetzen" #: AKModel/ AKModel/ msgid "AK Details" msgstr "AK-Details" #: AKModel/ AKModel/views/ msgid "Mark Constraint Violations as manually resolved" msgstr "Markiere Constraintverletzungen als manuell behoben" #: AKModel/ AKModel/views/ msgid "Set Constraint Violations to level \"violation\"" msgstr "Constraintverletzungen auf Level \"Violation\" setzen" #: AKModel/ AKModel/views/ msgid "Set Constraint Violations to level \"warning\"" msgstr "Constraintverletzungen auf Level \"Warning\" setzen" #: AKModel/availability/ AKModel/availability/ msgid "Availability" msgstr "Verfügbarkeit" #: AKModel/availability/ msgid "" "Click and drag to mark the availability during the event, double-click to " "delete. Or use the start and end inputs to add entries to the calendar view." msgstr "" "Klicken und ziehen um die Verfügbarkeiten während des Events zu markieren. " "Doppelt klicken um Einträge zu löschen. Oder Start- und End-Eingabe " "verwenden, um der Kalenderansicht neue Einträge hinzuzufügen." #: AKModel/availability/ msgid "The submitted availability does not comply with the required format." msgstr "Die eingetragenen Verfügbarkeit haben nicht das notwendige Format." #: AKModel/availability/ msgid "The submitted availability contains an invalid date." msgstr "Die eingegebene Verfügbarkeit enthält ein ungültiges Datum." #: AKModel/availability/ AKModel/availability/ msgid "Please fill in your availabilities!" msgstr "Bitte Verfügbarkeiten eintragen!" #: AKModel/availability/ AKModel/ AKModel/ #: AKModel/ AKModel/ AKModel/ #: AKModel/ AKModel/ AKModel/ #: AKModel/ AKModel/ AKModel/ msgid "Event" msgstr "Event" #: AKModel/availability/ AKModel/ #: AKModel/ AKModel/ AKModel/ #: AKModel/ AKModel/ AKModel/ #: AKModel/ AKModel/ AKModel/ msgid "Associated event" msgstr "Zugehöriges Event" #: AKModel/availability/ msgid "Person" msgstr "Person" #: AKModel/availability/ msgid "Person whose availability this is" msgstr "Person deren Verfügbarkeit hier abgebildet wird" #: AKModel/availability/ AKModel/ #: AKModel/ AKModel/ msgid "Room" msgstr "Raum" #: AKModel/availability/ msgid "Room whose availability this is" msgstr "Raum dessen Verfügbarkeit hier abgebildet wird" #: AKModel/availability/ AKModel/ #: AKModel/ AKModel/ msgid "AK" msgstr "AK" #: AKModel/availability/ msgid "AK whose availability this is" msgstr "Verfügbarkeiten" #: AKModel/availability/ AKModel/ #: AKModel/ msgid "AK Category" msgstr "AK-Kategorie" #: AKModel/availability/ msgid "AK Category whose availability this is" msgstr "AK-Kategorie, deren Verfügbarkeit hier abgebildet wird" #: AKModel/availability/ msgid "Availabilities" msgstr "Verfügbarkeiten" #: AKModel/ msgid "Copy ak requirements and ak categories of existing event" msgstr "AK-Anforderungen und AK-Kategorien eines existierenden Events kopieren" #: AKModel/ msgid "You can choose what to copy in the next step" msgstr "" "Im nächsten Schritt kann ausgewählt werden, was genau kopiert werden soll" #: AKModel/ msgid "Copy ak categories" msgstr "AK-Kategorien kopieren" #: AKModel/ msgid "Copy ak requirements" msgstr "AK-Anforderungen kopieren" #: AKModel/ msgid "Copy dashboard buttons" msgstr "Dashboard-Buttons kopieren" #: AKModel/ msgid "# next AKs" msgstr "# nächste AKs" #: AKModel/ msgid "How many next AKs should be shown on a slide?" msgstr "Wie viele nächste AKs sollen auf einer Folie angezeigt werden?" #: AKModel/ msgid "Presentation only?" msgstr "Nur Vorstellung?" #: AKModel/ AKModel/ msgid "Yes" msgstr "Ja" #: AKModel/ AKModel/ msgid "No" msgstr "Nein" #: AKModel/ msgid "Restrict AKs to those that asked for chance to be presented?" msgstr "AKs auf solche, die um eine Vorstellung gebeten haben, einschränken?" #: AKModel/ msgid "Space for notes in wishes?" msgstr "Platz für Notizen bei den Wünschen?" #: AKModel/ msgid "" "Create symbols indicating space to note down owners and timeslots for " "wishes, e.g., to be filled out on a touch screen while presenting?" msgstr "" "Symbole anlegen, die Raum zum Notieren von Leitungen und Zeitslots " "fürWünsche markieren, z.B. um während der Präsentation auf einem Touchscreen " "ausgefüllt zu werden?" #: AKModel/ AKModel/ msgid "Default Slots" msgstr "Standardslots" #: AKModel/ msgid "" "Click and drag to add default slots, double-click to delete. Or use the " "start and end inputs to add entries to the calendar view." msgstr "" "Klicken und ziehen um Standardslots hinzuzufügen, doppelt klicken um " "Einträge zu löschen. Oder Start- und End-Eingabe verwenden, um der " "Kalenderansicht neue Einträge hinzuzufügen." #: AKModel/ msgid "New rooms" msgstr "Neue Räume" #: AKModel/ msgid "" "Enter room details in CSV format. Required colum is \"name\", optional " "colums are \"location\", \"capacity\", and \"url\" for online/hybrid rooms. " "Delimiter: Semicolon" msgstr "" "Raumdetails im CSV-Format eingeben. Benötigte Spalte ist \"name\", optionale " "Spalten sind \"location\", \"capacity\", und \"url\" for Online-/" "HybridräumeTrennzeichen: Semikolon" #: AKModel/ msgid "CSV must contain a name column" msgstr "CSV muss eine name-Spalte enthalten" #: AKModel/metaviews/ AKModel/ msgid "Start" msgstr "Start" #: AKModel/metaviews/ msgid "Settings" msgstr "Einstellungen" #: AKModel/metaviews/ msgid "Event created, Prepare Import" msgstr "Event angelegt, Import vorbereiten" #: AKModel/metaviews/ msgid "Import categories & requirements" msgstr "Kategorien & Anforderungen kopieren" #: AKModel/metaviews/ msgid "Activate?" msgstr "Aktivieren?" #: AKModel/metaviews/ #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/activate.html:27 msgid "Finish" msgstr "Abschluss" #: AKModel/ AKModel/ AKModel/ #: AKModel/ AKModel/ AKModel/ msgid "Name" msgstr "Name" #: AKModel/ msgid "Name or iteration of the event" msgstr "Name oder Iteration des Events" #: AKModel/ msgid "Short Form" msgstr "Kurzer Name" #: AKModel/ msgid "Short name of letters/numbers/dots/dashes/underscores used in URLs." msgstr "" "Kurzname bestehend aus Buchstaben, Nummern, Punkten und Unterstrichen zur " "Nutzung in URLs" #: AKModel/ msgid "Place" msgstr "Ort" #: AKModel/ msgid "City etc. the event takes place in" msgstr "Stadt o.ä. in der das Event stattfindet" #: AKModel/ msgid "Time Zone" msgstr "Zeitzone" #: AKModel/ msgid "Time Zone where this event takes place in" msgstr "Zeitzone in der das Event stattfindet" #: AKModel/ msgid "Time the event begins" msgstr "Zeit zu der das Event beginnt" #: AKModel/ msgid "End" msgstr "Ende" #: AKModel/ msgid "Time the event ends" msgstr "Zeit zu der das Event endet" #: AKModel/ msgid "Resolution Deadline" msgstr "Resolutionsdeadline" #: AKModel/ msgid "When should AKs with intention to submit a resolution be done?" msgstr "Wann sollen AKs mit Resolutionsabsicht stattgefunden haben?" #: AKModel/ msgid "Interest Window Start" msgstr "Beginn Interessensbekundung" #: AKModel/ msgid "Opening time for expression of interest." msgstr "Öffnungszeitpunkt für die Angabe von Interesse an AKs." #: AKModel/ msgid "Interest Window End" msgstr "Ende Interessensbekundung" #: AKModel/ msgid "Closing time for expression of interest." msgstr "Öffnungszeitpunkt für die Angabe von Interesse an AKs." #: AKModel/ msgid "Public event" msgstr "Öffentliches Event" #: AKModel/ msgid "Show this event on overview page." msgstr "Zeige dieses Event auf der Übersichtseite an" #: AKModel/ msgid "Active State" msgstr "Aktiver Status" #: AKModel/ msgid "Marks currently active events" msgstr "Markiert aktuell aktive Events" #: AKModel/ msgid "Plan Hidden" msgstr "Plan verborgen" #: AKModel/ msgid "Hides plan for non-staff users" msgstr "Verbirgt den Plan für Nutzer*innen ohne erweiterte Rechte" #: AKModel/ msgid "Plan published at" msgstr "Plan veröffentlicht am/um" #: AKModel/ msgid "Timestamp at which the plan was published" msgstr "Zeitpunkt, zu dem der Plan veröffentlicht wurde" #: AKModel/ msgid "Base URL" msgstr "URL-Prefix" #: AKModel/ msgid "Prefix for wiki link construction" msgstr "Prefix für die automatische Generierung von Wiki-Links" #: AKModel/ msgid "Wiki Export Template Name" msgstr "Wiki-Export Templatename" #: AKModel/ msgid "Default Slot Length" msgstr "Standardslotlänge" #: AKModel/ msgid "Default length in hours that is assumed for AKs in this event." msgstr "Standardlänge von Slots (in Stunden) für dieses Event" #: AKModel/ msgid "Contact email address" msgstr "E-Mail Kontaktadresse" #: AKModel/ msgid "" "An email address that is displayed on every page and can be used for all " "kinds of questions" msgstr "" "Eine Mailadresse die auf jeder Seite angezeigt wird und für alle Arten von " "Fragen genutzt werden kann" #: AKModel/ msgid "Events" msgstr "Events" #: AKModel/ msgid "Nickname" msgstr "Spitzname" #: AKModel/ msgid "Name to identify an AK owner by" msgstr "Name, durch den eine AK-Leitung identifiziert wird" #: AKModel/ msgid "Slug" msgstr "Slug" #: AKModel/ msgid "Slug for URL generation" msgstr "Slug für URL-Generierung" #: AKModel/ msgid "Institution" msgstr "Instutution" #: AKModel/ msgid "Uni etc." msgstr "Universität o.ä." #: AKModel/ AKModel/ msgid "Web Link" msgstr "Internet Link" #: AKModel/ msgid "Link to Homepage" msgstr "Link zu Homepage oder Webseite" #: AKModel/ AKModel/ msgid "AK Owner" msgstr "AK-Leitung" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK Owners" msgstr "AK-Leitungen" #: AKModel/ msgid "Name of the AK Category" msgstr "Name der AK-Kategorie" #: AKModel/ AKModel/ msgid "Color" msgstr "Farbe" #: AKModel/ AKModel/ msgid "Color for displaying" msgstr "Farbe für die Anzeige" #: AKModel/ AKModel/ msgid "Description" msgstr "Beschreibung" #: AKModel/ msgid "Short description of this AK Category" msgstr "Beschreibung der AK-Kategorie" #: AKModel/ msgid "Present by default" msgstr "Defaultmäßig präsentieren" #: AKModel/ msgid "" "Present AKs of this category by default if AK owner did not specify whether " "this AK should be presented?" msgstr "" "AKs dieser Kategorie standardmäßig vorstellen, wenn die Leitungen das für " "ihren AK nicht explizit spezifiziert haben?" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK Categories" msgstr "AK-Kategorien" #: AKModel/ msgid "Name of the AK Track" msgstr "Name des AK-Tracks" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK Track" msgstr "AK-Track" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK Tracks" msgstr "AK-Tracks" #: AKModel/ msgid "Name of the Requirement" msgstr "Name der Anforderung" #: AKModel/ AKModel/ msgid "AK Requirement" msgstr "AK-Anforderung" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK Requirements" msgstr "AK-Anforderungen" #: AKModel/ msgid "Name of the AK" msgstr "Name des AKs" #: AKModel/ msgid "Short Name" msgstr "Kurzer Name" #: AKModel/ msgid "Name displayed in the schedule" msgstr "Name zur Anzeige im AK-Plan" #: AKModel/ msgid "Description of the AK" msgstr "Beschreibung des AKs" #: AKModel/ msgid "Owners" msgstr "Leitungen" #: AKModel/ msgid "Those organizing the AK" msgstr "Menschen, die den AK organisieren und halten" #: AKModel/ msgid "Link to wiki page" msgstr "Link zur Wiki Seite" #: AKModel/ msgid "Protocol Link" msgstr "Protokolllink" #: AKModel/ msgid "Link to protocol" msgstr "Link zum Protokoll" #: AKModel/ msgid "Category" msgstr "Kategorie" #: AKModel/ msgid "Category of the AK" msgstr "Kategorie des AKs" #: AKModel/ msgid "Track" msgstr "Track" #: AKModel/ msgid "Track the AK belongs to" msgstr "Track zu dem der AK gehört" #: AKModel/ msgid "Resolution Intention" msgstr "Resolutionsabsicht" #: AKModel/ msgid "Intends to submit a resolution" msgstr "Beabsichtigt eine Resolution einzureichen" #: AKModel/ msgid "Present this AK" msgstr "AK präsentieren" #: AKModel/ msgid "Present results of this AK" msgstr "Die Ergebnisse dieses AKs vorstellen" #: AKModel/ AKModel/views/ msgid "Requirements" msgstr "Anforderungen" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK's Requirements" msgstr "Anforderungen des AKs" #: AKModel/ msgid "Conflicting AKs" msgstr "AK-Konflikte" #: AKModel/ msgid "AKs that conflict and thus must not take place at the same time" msgstr "" "AKs, die Konflikte haben und deshalb nicht gleichzeitig stattfinden dürfen" #: AKModel/ msgid "Prerequisite AKs" msgstr "Vorausgesetzte AKs" #: AKModel/ msgid "AKs that should precede this AK in the schedule" msgstr "AKs die im AK-Plan vor diesem AK stattfinden müssen" #: AKModel/ msgid "Organizational Notes" msgstr "Notizen zur Organisation" #: AKModel/ msgid "" "Notes to organizers. These are public. For private notes, please use the " "button for private messages on the detail page of this AK (after creation/" "editing)." msgstr "" "Notizen an die Organisator*innen. Diese sind öffentlich, für private " "Anmerkungen bitte den Button für Direktnachrichten verwenden (nach dem " "Anlegen/Bearbeiten)." #: AKModel/ msgid "Interest" msgstr "Interesse" #: AKModel/ msgid "Expected number of people" msgstr "Erwartete Personenzahl" #: AKModel/ msgid "Interest Counter" msgstr "Interessenszähler" #: AKModel/ msgid "People who have indicated interest online" msgstr "Anzahl Personen, die online Interesse bekundet haben" #: AKModel/ msgid "Export?" msgstr "Export?" #: AKModel/ msgid "Include AK in wiki export?" msgstr "AK bei Wiki-Export berücksichtigen?" #: AKModel/ AKModel/ #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status/event_aks.html:10 #: AKModel/views/ AKModel/views/ msgid "AKs" msgstr "AKs" #: AKModel/ msgid "Name or number of the room" msgstr "Name oder Nummer des Raums" #: AKModel/ msgid "Location" msgstr "Ort" #: AKModel/ msgid "Name or number of the location" msgstr "Name oder Nummer des Ortes" #: AKModel/ msgid "Capacity" msgstr "Kapazität" #: AKModel/ msgid "Maximum number of people (-1 for unlimited)." msgstr "Maximale Personenzahl (-1 wenn unbeschränkt)." #: AKModel/ msgid "Properties" msgstr "Eigenschaften" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK requirements fulfilled by the room" msgstr "AK-Anforderungen, die dieser Raum erfüllt" #: AKModel/ AKModel/views/ msgid "Rooms" msgstr "Räume" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK being mapped" msgstr "AK, der zugeordnet wird" #: AKModel/ msgid "Room the AK will take place in" msgstr "Raum in dem der AK stattfindet" #: AKModel/ AKModel/ msgid "Slot Begin" msgstr "Beginn des Slots" #: AKModel/ AKModel/ msgid "Time and date the slot begins" msgstr "Zeit und Datum zu der der AK beginnt" #: AKModel/ msgid "Duration" msgstr "Dauer" #: AKModel/ msgid "Length in hours" msgstr "Länge in Stunden" #: AKModel/ msgid "Scheduling fixed" msgstr "Planung fix" #: AKModel/ msgid "Length and time of this AK should not be changed" msgstr "Dauer und Zeit dieses AKs sollten nicht verändert werden" #: AKModel/ msgid "Last update" msgstr "Letzte Aktualisierung" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK Slot" msgstr "AK-Slot" #: AKModel/ AKModel/ msgid "AK Slots" msgstr "AK-Slot" #: AKModel/ AKModel/ msgid "Not scheduled yet" msgstr "Noch nicht geplant" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK this message belongs to" msgstr "AK zu dem die Nachricht gehört" #: AKModel/ msgid "Message text" msgstr "Nachrichtentext" #: AKModel/ msgid "Message to the organizers. This is not publicly visible." msgstr "" "Nachricht an die Organisator*innen. Diese ist nicht öffentlich sichtbar." #: AKModel/ msgid "AK Orga Message" msgstr "AK-Organachricht" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK Orga Messages" msgstr "AK-Organachrichten" #: AKModel/ msgid "Constraint Violation" msgstr "Constraintverletzung" #: AKModel/ AKModel/views/ msgid "Constraint Violations" msgstr "Constraintverletzungen" #: AKModel/ msgid "Owner has two parallel slots" msgstr "Leitung hat zwei Slots parallel" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK Slot was scheduled outside the AK's availabilities" msgstr "AK Slot wurde außerhalb der Verfügbarkeit des AKs platziert" #: AKModel/ msgid "Room has two AK slots scheduled at the same time" msgstr "Raum hat zwei AK Slots gleichzeitig" #: AKModel/ msgid "Room does not satisfy the requirement of the scheduled AK" msgstr "Room erfüllt die Anforderungen des platzierten AKs nicht" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK Slot is scheduled at the same time as an AK listed as a conflict" msgstr "" "AK Slot wurde wurde zur gleichen Zeit wie ein Konflikt des AKs platziert" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK Slot is scheduled before an AK listed as a prerequisite" msgstr "AK Slot wurde vor einem als Voraussetzung gelisteten AK platziert" #: AKModel/ msgid "" "AK Slot for AK with intention to submit a resolution is scheduled after " "resolution deadline" msgstr "" "AK Slot eines AKs mit Resoabsicht wurde nach der Resodeadline platziert" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK Slot in a category is outside that categories availabilities" msgstr "AK Slot wurde außerhalb der Verfügbarkeiten seiner Kategorie" #: AKModel/ msgid "Two AK Slots for the same AK scheduled at the same time" msgstr "Zwei AK Slots eines AKs wurden zur selben Zeit platziert" #: AKModel/ msgid "Room does not have enough space for interest in scheduled AK Slot" msgstr "Room hat nicht genug Platz für das Interesse am geplanten AK-Slot" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK Slot is scheduled outside the event's availabilities" msgstr "AK Slot wurde außerhalb der Verfügbarkeit des Events platziert" #: AKModel/ msgid "Warning" msgstr "Warnung" #: AKModel/ msgid "Violation" msgstr "Verletzung" #: AKModel/ msgid "Type" msgstr "Art" #: AKModel/ msgid "Type of violation, i.e. what kind of constraint was violated" msgstr "Art der Verletzung, gibt an welche Art Constraint verletzt wurde" #: AKModel/ msgid "Level" msgstr "Level" #: AKModel/ msgid "Severity level of the violation" msgstr "Schweregrad der Verletzung" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK(s) belonging to this constraint" msgstr "AK(s), die zu diesem Constraint gehören" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK Slot(s) belonging to this constraint" msgstr "AK Slot(s), die zu diesem Constraint gehören" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK Owner belonging to this constraint" msgstr "AK Leitung(en), die zu diesem Constraint gehören" #: AKModel/ msgid "Room belonging to this constraint" msgstr "Raum, der zu diesem Constraint gehört" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK Requirement belonging to this constraint" msgstr "AK Anforderung, die zu diesem Constraint gehört" #: AKModel/ msgid "AK Category belonging to this constraint" msgstr "AK Kategorie, di zu diesem Constraint gehört" #: AKModel/ msgid "Comment" msgstr "Kommentar" #: AKModel/ msgid "Comment or further details for this violation" msgstr "Kommentar oder weitere Details zu dieser Vereletzung" #: AKModel/ msgid "Timestamp" msgstr "Timestamp" #: AKModel/ msgid "Time of creation" msgstr "Zeitpunkt der ERstellung" #: AKModel/ msgid "Manually Resolved" msgstr "Manuell behoben" #: AKModel/ msgid "Mark this violation manually as resolved" msgstr "Markiere diese Verletzung manuell als behoben" #: AKModel/ #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/requirements_overview.html:27 msgid "Details" msgstr "Details" #: AKModel/ msgid "Default Slot" msgstr "Standardslot" #: AKModel/ msgid "Slot End" msgstr "Ende des Slots" #: AKModel/ msgid "Time and date the slot ends" msgstr "Zeit und Datum zu der der Slot endet" #: AKModel/ msgid "Primary categories" msgstr "Primäre Kategorien" #: AKModel/ msgid "Categories that should be assigned to this slot primarily" msgstr "Kategorieren, die diesem Slot primär zugewiesen werden sollen" #: AKModel/ msgid "Administration" msgstr "Verwaltung" #: AKModel/templates/AKModel/user.html:23 msgid "Hello" msgstr "Hallo" #: AKModel/templates/AKModel/user.html:26 msgid "Go to backend" msgstr "Zum Backend" #: AKModel/templates/AKModel/user.html:29 msgid "Please wait for an administrator to confirm your account" msgstr "" "Bitte warte darauf, dass ein*e Administrator*in deinen Account bestätigt" #: AKModel/templates/AKModel/user.html:32 msgid "Logout" msgstr "Ausloggen" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/action_intermediate.html:23 msgid "Confirm" msgstr "Bestätigen" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/action_intermediate.html:27 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/import.html:24 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/settings.html:29 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/start.html:23 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/room_create.html:30 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Abbrechen" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/activate.html:9 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/created_prepare_import.html:9 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/finish.html:9 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/import.html:9 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/settings.html:9 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/start.html:8 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/wizard_steps.html:3 msgid "New event wizard" msgstr "Assistent zum Anlegen eines neuen Events" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/activate.html:18 msgid "Successfully imported.<br><br>Do you want to activate your event now?" msgstr "Erfolgreich importiert.<br><br>Soll das Event jetzt aktiviert werden?" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/created_prepare_import.html:16 msgid "New event:" msgstr "Neues Event:" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/created_prepare_import.html:30 msgid "Your event was created and can now be further configured." msgstr "Das Event wurde angelegt und kann nun weiter konfiguriert werden." #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/created_prepare_import.html:39 msgid "Skip Import" msgstr "Import überspringen" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/created_prepare_import.html:43 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/import.html:20 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/settings.html:22 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/start.html:19 msgid "Continue" msgstr "Fortfahren" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/finish.html:18 msgid "Congratulations. Everything is set up!" msgstr "Herzlichen Glückwunsch. Alles ist eingerichtet!" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/settings.html:26 msgid "Back" msgstr "Zurück" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/start.html:13 msgid "" "Add a new event. Please start by filling these basic properties. You can " "specify more settings later." msgstr "" "Neues Event anlegen. Bitte zunächst diese Grundeinstellungen ausfüllen, " "weitere Einstellungen können später gesetzt werden." #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/event_wizard/wizard_steps.html:15 msgid "Step" msgstr "Schritt" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/message_delete.html:8 #, python-format msgid "" "Are you sure you want to delete all orga messages for %(event)s? This will " "permanently delete %(message_count)s message(s):" msgstr "" "Sollen wirklich alle Organachrichten für %(event)s gelöscht werden? Dadurch " "werden %(message_count)s Nachricht(en) dauerhaft gelöscht:" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/requirements_overview.html:12 msgid "Requirements Overview" msgstr "Übersicht Anforderungen" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/requirements_overview.html:31 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Bearbeiten" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/requirements_overview.html:38 msgid "No AKs with this requirement" msgstr "Kein AK mit dieser Anforderung" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/requirements_overview.html:45 #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Add Requirement" msgstr "Anforderung hinzufügen" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/room_create.html:9 #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/room_create.html:12 msgid "Create room" msgstr "Raum anlegen" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/room_create.html:20 msgid "Save and add another" msgstr "Sichern und neu hinzufügen" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/room_create.html:23 msgid "Save and continue editing" msgstr "Sichern und weiter bearbeiten" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/room_create.html:26 msgid "Save" msgstr "Sichern" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status/event_aks.html:5 msgid "No AKs yet" msgstr "Bisher keine AKs" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status/event_aks.html:13 msgid "Slots" msgstr "Slots" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status/event_aks.html:16 msgid "Unscheduled Slots" msgstr "Ungeplante Slots" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status/event_categories.html:4 msgid "No categories yet" msgstr "Bisher keine Kategorien" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status/event_overview.html:12 msgid "Plan published?" msgstr "Plan veröffentlicht?" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status/event_requirements.html:4 msgid "No requirements yet" msgstr "Bisher keine Anforderungen" #: AKModel/templates/admin/AKModel/status/event_rooms.html:4 msgid "No rooms yet" msgstr "Bisher keine Räume" #: AKModel/templates/admin/ak_index.html:7 msgid "Active Events" msgstr "Aktive Events" #: AKModel/templates/admin/ak_index.html:16 AKModel/views/ msgid "Scheduling" msgstr "Scheduling" #: AKModel/templates/admin/login.html:8 msgid "Please correct the error below." msgstr "Bitte den untenstehenden Fehler korrigieren." #: AKModel/templates/admin/login.html:8 msgid "Please correct the errors below." msgstr "Bitte die unten stehenden Fehler korrigieren." #: AKModel/templates/admin/login.html:24 #, python-format msgid "" "You are authenticated as %(username)s, but are not authorized to access this " "page. Would you like to login to a different account?" msgstr "" "Du bist als %(username)s eingeloggt, aber bist nicht authorisiert, auf diese " "Seite zuzugreifen. Möchtest du dich mit einem anderem Account einloggen?" #: AKModel/templates/admin/login.html:44 msgid "Forgotten your password or username?" msgstr "Passwort oder Username vergessen" #: AKModel/templates/admin/login.html:48 msgid "Log in" msgstr "Login" #: AKModel/templates/admin/login.html:51 msgid "Register" msgstr "Registrieren" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Requirements for Event" msgstr "Anforderungen für das Event" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "AK CSV Export" msgstr "AK-CSV-Export" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "AK Wiki Export" msgstr "AK-Wiki-Export" #: AKModel/views/ AKModel/views/ msgid "Wishes" msgstr "Wünsche" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Delete AK Orga Messages" msgstr "AK-Organachrichten löschen" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "AK Orga Messages successfully deleted" msgstr "AK-Organachrichten erfolgreich gelöscht" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Interest of the following AKs will be set to not filled (-1):" msgstr "Interesse an den folgenden AKs wird auf nicht ausgefüllt (-1) gesetzt:" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Reset of interest in AKs successful." msgstr "Interesse an AKs erfolgreich zurückgesetzt." #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Interest counter of the following AKs will be set to 0:" msgstr "Interessensbekundungszähler der folgenden AKs wird auf 0 gesetzt:" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "AKs' interest counters set back to 0." msgstr "Interessenszähler der AKs zurückgesetzt" #: AKModel/views/ #, python-format msgid "Copied '%(obj)s'" msgstr "'%(obj)s' kopiert" #: AKModel/views/ #, python-format msgid "Could not copy '%(obj)s' (%(error)s)" msgstr "'%(obj)s' konnte nicht kopiert werden (%(error)s)" #: AKModel/views/ AKModel/views/ msgid "Export AK Slides" msgstr "AK-Folien exportieren" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Symbols" msgstr "Symbole" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Who?" msgstr "Wer?" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Duration(s)" msgstr "Dauer(n)" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Reso intention?" msgstr "Resolutionsabsicht?" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Category (for Wishes)" msgstr "Kategorie (für Wünsche)" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "The following Constraint Violations will be marked as manually resolved" msgstr "" "Die folgenden Constraintverletzungen werden als manuell behoben markiert." #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Constraint Violations marked as resolved" msgstr "Constraintverletzungen als manuell behoben markiert" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "The following Constraint Violations will be set to level 'violation'" msgstr "" "Die folgenden Constraintverletzungen werden auf das Level \"Violation\" " "gesetzt." #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Constraint Violations set to level 'violation'" msgstr "Constraintverletzungen auf Level \"Violation\" gesetzt" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "The following Constraint Violations will be set to level 'warning'" msgstr "" "Die folgenden Constraintverletzungen werden auf das Level 'warning' gesetzt." #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Constraint Violations set to level 'warning'" msgstr "Constraintverletzungen auf Level \"Warning\" gesetzt" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Publish the plan(s) of:" msgstr "Den Plan/die Pläne veröffentlichen von:" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Plan published" msgstr "Plan veröffentlicht" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Unpublish the plan(s) of:" msgstr "Den Plan/die Pläne verbergen von:" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Plan unpublished" msgstr "Plan verborgen" #: AKModel/views/ AKModel/views/ msgid "Edit Default Slots" msgstr "Standardslots bearbeiten" #: AKModel/views/ #, python-brace-format msgid "Could not update slot {id} since it does not belong to {event}" msgstr "" "Konnte Slot {id} nicht bearbeiten, da er nicht zum Event {event} gehört" #: AKModel/views/ #, python-brace-format msgid "Updated {u} slot(s). created {c} new slot(s) and deleted {d} slot(s)" msgstr "" "{u} Slot(s) aktualisiert, {c} Slot(s) hinzugefügt und {d} Slot(s) gelöscht" #: AKModel/views/ #, python-format msgid "Created Room '%(room)s'" msgstr "Raum '%(room)s angelegt" #: AKModel/views/ AKModel/views/ msgid "Import Rooms from CSV" msgstr "Räume aus CSV importieren" #: AKModel/views/ #, python-brace-format msgid "Could not import room {name}: {e}" msgstr "Konnte Raum {name} nicht importieren: {e}" #: AKModel/views/ #, python-brace-format msgid "Imported {count} room(s)" msgstr "{count} Raum/Räume importiert" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "No rooms imported" msgstr "Keine Räume importiert" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Overview" msgstr "Überblick" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Categories" msgstr "Kategorien" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Add category" msgstr "Kategorie hinzufügen" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Add Room" msgstr "Raum hinzufügen" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "AKs requiring special attention" msgstr "AKs, die besondere Aufmerksamkeit benötigen" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Enter Interest" msgstr "Interesse erfassen" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Manage ak tracks" msgstr "AK-Tracks verwalten" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Export AKs as CSV" msgstr "AKs als CSV exportieren" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Export AKs for Wiki" msgstr "AKs im Wiki-Format exportieren" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Show AKs for requirements" msgstr "Zu Anforderungen gehörige AKs anzeigen" #: AKModel/views/ msgid "Event Status" msgstr "Eventstatus" #~ msgid "Messages" #~ msgstr "Nachrichten" #~ msgid "Delete all messages" #~ msgstr "Alle Nachrichten löschen"