# AK Planning ## Description AKPlanning is a tool used for modeling, submitting, scheduling and display AKs (German: Arbeitskreise), meaning workshops, talks or similar slot-based events. It was built for KIF (German: Konferenz der deutschsprachigen Informatikfachschaften), refer to [the wiki](wiki.kif.rocks) for more Information. ## Setup This repository contains a Django project with several apps. ### Requirements AKPlanning has two types of requirements: System requirements are dependent on operating system and need to be installed manually beforehand. Python requirements will be installed inside a virtual environment (strongly recommended) during setup. #### System Requirements * Python 3.7 * Virtualenv #### Python Requirements Python requirements are listed in ``requirements.txt``. They can be installed with pip using ``-r requirements.txt``. ### Development Setup * create a new directory that should contain the files in future, e.g. ``mkdir AKPlanning`` * change into that directory ``cd AKPlanning`` * clone this repository ``git clone URL .`` 1. setup a virtual environment using the proper python version ``virtualenv env -p python3.7`` 1. activate virtualenv ``source env/bin/activate`` 1. install python requirements ``pip install -r requirements.txt`` 1. setup necessary database tables etc. ``python manage.py migrate`` 1. create a priviledged user, credentials are entered interactively on CLI ``python manage.py createsuperuser`` 1. deactivate virtualenv ``deactivate`` To start the application for development use ``python manage.py runserver 0:8000`` from the root directory. *Do not use this for deployment!* In your browser, access ```` and continue from there.