"AKSubmission/__init__.py" did not exist on "be65f5704ff5712e7b1f2359dfe21ea5d674bb7e"
Environment definitions
Needed for tex compilation
import re
from django_tex.environment import environment
# Used to filter all very special UTF-8 chars that are probably not contained in the LaTeX fonts
# and would hence cause compilation errors
utf8_replace_pattern = re.compile('[^\u0000-\u206F]', re.UNICODE)
def latex_escape_utf8(value):
Escape latex special chars and remove invalid utf-8 values
:param value: string to escape
:type value: str
:return: escaped string
:rtype: str
return (utf8_replace_pattern.sub('', value).replace('&', r'\&').replace('_', r'\_').replace('#', r'\#').
replace('$', r'\$').replace('%', r'\%').replace('{', r'\{').replace('}', r'\}'))
def improved_tex_environment(**options):
Encapsulate our improved latex environment for usage
env = environment(**options)
'latex_escape_utf8': latex_escape_utf8,
return env