@@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ Afterwards, you may check your setup by executing ``Utils/check.sh`` or ``Utils/
This repository contains a Django project called AKPlanning. The functionality is encapsulated into Django apps:
1.**AKModel**: This app contains the general Django models used to represent events, users, rooms, scheduling constraints etc. This app is a basic requirements for the other apps. Data Imoort/Export also goes here.
1.**AKModel**: This app contains the general Django models used to represent events, users, rooms, scheduling constraints etc. This app is a basic requirements for the other apps. Data Import/Export also goes here.
1.**AKDashboard**: This app provides a landing page for the project. Per Event it provides links to all relevant functionalities and views.
1.**AKSubmission**: This app provides forms to submit all kinds of AKs, edit or delete them, as well as a list of all submitted AKs for an event.
1.**AKScheduling**: This app allows organizers to schedule AKs, i.e. assigne rooms, slots, etc. Ir marks conflicts of all modeled constraints and assists in creating a suitable schedule.
1.**AKPlan**: This app diplays AKs and where/when they will take place for each event. Views are optimised according to usage/purpose.
1.**AKScheduling**: This app allows organizers to schedule AKs, i.e. assigning rooms, slots, etc. It marks conflicts of all modeled constraints and assists in creating a suitable schedule.
1.**AKPlan**: This app displays AKs and where/when they will take place for each event. Views are optimised according to usage/purpose.