- Oct 23, 2022
This mostly implements #159 Introduce a new field that denotes the timestamp when the plan was published Introduce admin actions to publish and unpublish the plan and set that timestamp accordingly Prevent other means to change visibility of the plan Use that timestamp to only highlight recent changes when they occurred after the plan was already published
Bump django-split-settings, django-simple-history, django-registration-redux, django-debug-toolbar, djangorestframework, and pytz Create migration reflecting the changes in simple-history and pytz
- Aug 17, 2022
Benjamin Hättasch authored
- May 12, 2022
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Add a new mandatory event reference to the model Add a migration that makes sure all existing messages are updated accordingly Adapt the frontend view that sends the message to fill the event field
- Oct 29, 2021
Nadja Geisler authored
adds datetimefield for start to Event model adds datetimefield for start to Event model adds translations adds migration
- Oct 28, 2021
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Both violation and warning for capacity nearly exceeded Adapt model (better description for capacity exceeded violation type) Add comment to detail fields of constraint violation
Benjamin Hättasch authored
- May 15, 2021
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Use for slide generation Show effect it will have on AK detail page Add migration Add translations
- Apr 29, 2021
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Previously, the version of pytz was not fixed. This could lead to problems when the list of timezones of the locally installed version of pytz differed from the list fixed in migration 0027 of AKModel. This commit therefore: * updates django-timezone-field to the newest version * Adds pytz with the current version to requirements.txt * Introduces a migration to reflect the changes in the internal timezone list of pytz (--('America/Godthab', 'GMT-03:00 America/Godthab'), ++('America/Nuuk', 'GMT-03:00 America/Nuuk'), --('Australia/Currie', 'GMT+11:00 Australia/Currie'))
- Jan 29, 2021
Benjamin Hättasch authored
This fixes #97 Exclude interest_counter from AK history Prevent saving of history record when increasing interest counter Run the following action after applying the change/migration to remove existing duplicate history records (the ones without changes to tracked fields, hence caused by either saving without changing any field or especially the ones created due to changes of the now ignored interest_counter): python manage.py clean_duplicate_history AKModel.ak
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Verbose name of AKSlot.fixed was updated in a previous commit, this migration reflects this change
- Nov 05, 2020
Benjamin Hättasch authored
This prevents it from being edited in scheduling view
- Nov 04, 2020
- Nov 03, 2020
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Introduce field for wiki export template to Event model Use this for wiki export Fixes #85 Create and link new export view (auto-split by categories)
Add model Add to admin interface Add and link create view in frontend Add translations
- Aug 31, 2020
Add boolean flag to events whether they should appear on the overview/start page or just when visiting the correct url
- May 21, 2020
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Add field to model Use field in form Display field in ak detail view Show track in ak detail view Update translations
- May 19, 2020
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Nadja Geisler authored
- May 18, 2020
more general model
- May 16, 2020
Nadja Geisler authored
- May 12, 2020
- May 10, 2020
Benjamin Hättasch authored
AK model: add online interest field, add increment function add increment and redirect view add Button and counter in detail view add translations
Nadja Geisler authored
adjust help text to suggest notes are public show notes in AK detail view (if present) translate help text db migration
Nadja Geisler authored
- Mar 01, 2020
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Add dependency django-timezone-field Add timezone field to Event Introduce i18n for default_slot field Add new and missing translations Add title property to Room (for better access of combined building + name form)
- Jan 08, 2020
- Oct 29, 2019
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Add contact email address to event model Show email link in footer Fix missing event reference in AKDetailView
- Oct 25, 2019
Nadja Geisler authored
associate AKTrack with an Event associate AKCategory with an Event restrict AK requirements to those associated with the same event restrict AK categories to those associated with the same event
Nadja Geisler authored
add default slot size to Event model set initial form value to event deafult slot size
Nadja Geisler authored
- Oct 24, 2019
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Add base url field to event Generate Wiki link from title and base url
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Improve blank and unique constraints of model: - allow blank starting times of slotes to store durations before scheduling and adapt string representation - change unique constraint from name and shortname of AK to unique for each event only Implement handling of tags for submission and update (auto-creation) by using a semicolon-separated text file instead of multiple choice field Implement handling of durations for submission Automatically generate short name Use different forms for submission and update Use special adapted template for AK updates instead of submission template Fix EventSlugMixin for POST requests
- Oct 23, 2019
Nadja Geisler authored
currently only works when creating a new owner
- Oct 20, 2019
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Add description to category model Show tabbed list of different categories of AKs on submission overview
- Oct 18, 2019
Nadja Geisler authored
Benjamin Hättasch authored