- Nov 27, 2022
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Move general ajax setup call to external js file Move common functionality for CV loading to external js file Visualize existing violations in scheduler Add reloading function to scheduler
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Benjamin Hättasch authored
- Nov 26, 2022
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Adapt loading templates Move plan loader template to AKModel Add new template to load all css and scripts for availabilities with one call Use that loader in views with availabilities editors
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Additionally, move moments library to common
Benjamin Hättasch authored
This used the common fullcalendar v5 instance instead of a special v3 version only for this editor Improve visualization of availability deletion Improve (event specific) timezone handling and remove dependency to moment-timezones
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Create model Create migration Create admin interface
Benjamin Hättasch authored
This mostly implements #159 Introduce a new field that denotes the timestamp when the plan was published Introduce admin actions to publish and unpublish the plan and set that timestamp accordingly Prevent other means to change visibility of the plan Use that timestamp to only highlight recent changes when they occurred after the plan was already published
- Nov 22, 2022
Nadja Geisler authored
Load fonts from our server and not from Google Fonts See merge request kif/akplanning!138
- Nov 11, 2022
Benjamin Hättasch authored
- Oct 24, 2022
Nadja Geisler authored
Add new functionality to backend Closes #153, #154, and #152 See merge request !133
- Oct 23, 2022
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Use action with intermediate page instead of direct action for publishing and unpublishing of plans This allows to create a link on the events detail page and on the status page to change the plans visibility Add link to detail view Visualize plan visibility on status page and allow to toggle it from there This implements the final function of #159
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Move loop-based action code to mixin that will only be used when more complex actions should be performed Use queryset update function on existing actions to perform the necessary updating in only one db call instead of one query per entity Additionally, visualize manually_resolved status in admin interface of CV
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Looks like this was broken since the switch to individual boxes per category. Fixed it and made it more robust (show error message when trying to export AKs from more than one event at the same time).
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Leverage the decorators introduced in django 3.2 for methods that do not use them already
Nadja Geisler authored
Add two admin actions to reset interest and interest counter of AKs -- each including a preview/confirmation step This implements #153
Add three admin actions to mark CVs as resolved, or set the level to 'warning' or 'violation' -- each including a preview/confirmation step Introduce a generic view inheriting from the generic admin intermediate view to handle confirmations for admin actions (performing on multiple, freely selected items) This implements #154
This allows specifying the parameters without the need to know the GET keys Also resolve double-compiling issue and thus switch from custom version of django-tex to the latest official release Minor improvements to generic admin action view This implements #152
Nadja Geisler authored
Meta: Adapt django makemessages command to ensure forward slashes See merge request !136
This adapts submethods of the makemessages command to use generic forward slashes instead of os specific slashes, e.g., backslashes on windows
Nadja Geisler authored
Introduce timestamp for plan publishing and use for color coding Closes #159 See merge request !135
Nadja Geisler authored
This mostly implements #159 Introduce a new field that denotes the timestamp when the plan was published Introduce admin actions to publish and unpublish the plan and set that timestamp accordingly Prevent other means to change visibility of the plan Use that timestamp to only highlight recent changes when they occurred after the plan was already published
Nadja Geisler authored
Upgrade Django to 3.2 Closes #114 See merge request !134
This removes a compatibility warning (Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField') for django 4.1
Bump django-split-settings, django-simple-history, django-registration-redux, django-debug-toolbar, djangorestframework, and pytz Create migration reflecting the changes in simple-history and pytz
Bump to latest version of Django 3.2 Fix dark theme issue by fixing the order of css imports in admin Cleanup admin login template (remove copied code as far as possible)
Nadja Geisler authored
Make scheduling preparation easier Closes #144 and #145 See merge request !132
- Sep 27, 2022
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Introduce admin action Add function to find AKs without availabilities to event model Link new action on view of AKs requiring special attention Minor design improvements This implements the final part of #145
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Show count of slots for wishes and link directly to a filtered list
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Use annotations to query counts of owners, slots and availabilities directly in main query
Benjamin Hättasch authored
This implements first part of #145
Benjamin Hättasch authored
Introduce a new generic view that can be used for all admin actions that require a preview/confirmation or a form to specify parameters Change AK Orga Message deletion view to use this generic view instead of a manually adapted delete view
Benjamin Hättasch authored
This implements #144 Don't show slots, slot creation button, and availabilities for wishes on detail page Don't create slots for wishes automatically (and don't ask for durations) Automatically create one slot when wish changes to AK Automatically remove all unscheduled slots when AK changes to wish